Thursday 14 June 2012

Answering these questions cause I have fuck all to do

1: Picture of yourself

2: A description of my self-esteem

I think my self-esteem is quite good and okay actually, I mean I don't think low of myself or anything like that, I used to when I was bullied, but now since I've got older and learnt to not take shit from anyone, everything is good. I sometimes think I'm useless but only when I feel really shit, but other than that I think it's good. 

3: My favourite book

I have many, it's so hard to chose from. But it will probably have to be the Harry Potter books, because they changed my way of thinking and made me read so much more, made me see the magical side to things. It was just a great fantasy series and it's something that I have grown up with and always shall. They mean a great deal to me, and I will always treasure that. They also helped me to write my own stories too. So thanks J.K Rowling!

4: Biggest Turn Offs

Oh I don't know, I'm sure there are some I could think of but I don't know. The smell of smoke, smelly breath and B.O I have no clue, but it would probably be those haha. 

5: Biggest Turn On's

See, when it comes to these, I could go on forever! There's...Lip biting, neck biting and sucking, ass grabbing, pinned against a wall, wrists pinned down, hand over mouth, when men bite their lip, dirty talk, when Sam talks on the phone or in person in that voice. Ear biting, just biting in general, nails down back, thighs grabbed and squeezed, ass slapped, shoulders been grabbed.

6: Most famous person you've met

I don't know, I've met quite a few people who are famous from bands. Such as everyone from The 69 Eyes, everyone from Young Guns, Acey Slade, lead singer from The Chelsea Smiles. I've met loads of people but just can't remember them haha.

7: What I want to be when I'm older

I've always wanted to be an author, from a very small age and the be able to write a book or many books as I love to read. But it won't happen haha but I do want to do something in music, just depends on where it takes me and what I would like to end up aspiring to be :)

8: My relationship(s) with my sibling(s)

I have a good and strong relationship with my brother. We hardly every fight and we're always there for each other, if the others upset or anything. We're always there if the other wants to text y voice, message or on the phone. We know we can talk to each other about anything and always have a laugh. Sometimes we do argue but it usually gets sorted out in the next 10 minutes. All in all, it's great and I love him to pieces. 

9: Relationship status?

At the moment I am in a wonderful relationship with a lovely and perfect guy named Sam Burrows. We met at college on the same course and was friends for year before, then I started liking him and he start liking me but I didn't know haha. In the end we went on a date to the pictures two months ago and been together since! It's wonderful, he's wonderful! And lovely, beautiful, handsome, smart, kind, talented, loving, caring, sweet, generous, gorgeous, strong...he's altogether the PERFECT man any woman could have...well, only me haha. But he is and I love him so much, to pieces, to the moon and back and to infinity and beyond! More then the universe and the galaxy's combined. I love him with all my heart and always will, since he always makes me laugh, smile, giggle and always manages to cheer me up. So basically, what I'm trying to say, is that I've finally found the perfect man

10: What I did yesterday

I was at Sam's most of the day yesterday, doing coursework with him and listening to him play guitar. Then we ended up coming to mine and having a lovely time ordering Chinese and just sat talking and cuddling in my room. Though I ended up getting a little upset, but he looked after me and gave me lots of cuddles and kisses and made me feel much better and it was just a lovely night and day. Then we ends up falling to sleep, though I had to creep downstairs to sleep on the couch haha.

11: What I'm doing today

Well, I'm going to make an English breakfast for us both, since I'm nice like that. Or try to, first need to see what we have in. Then after that we're both just gonna chill and watch films or something and then we will have to set off to college to hand in our work, which to be honest is a pile of shit cause I really don't wanna do that. But then we will hand around in Clifton park or near the sweet shop for hours on end until we both have to go home :( 

12: What I'm doing tomorrow

I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow, I don't plan that far a head. My mind can't, it's too complicated for that stuff.

13: Most embarrassing moment

There have been many embarrassing moments, such as the whole thing with Mr. Needham. But one that I can remember would be when Sam and I were not going out and someone was having a discussion about masturbation and who did yeah, I think you can guess the rest of that story as it was so fucking embarrassing. 

14: Description of who I like love

Well, he has long very curly brown hair that just reaches his shoulders, a tad bit longer. GORGEOUS blue eyes, there like crystals, no joke! Lovely cupid bow lips, a strong jaw and cute ears and nose. The most beautiful smile on earth and laugh and giggle. When he Say's "Nooo" In that high squeaky voice. Very very talented at guitar and very sexy. He has a beautiful personality and he's a very strong, caring, loving person. He's just beautiful and handsome all together, he's smart and has a wonderful and fantastic sense of humour which I love. He has an awesome way of dressing and not afraid to show it, he's my chameleon :) And I love him ever so much....guess what. His name is 
Sam Lewis Burrows

15: Biggest insecurities?

Probably my tummy and eyebrows, I sometimes like my tummy and sometimes I don't. But I hate my eyebrows, so much. But other than that i don't really have any haha.

16: Something I wish I could change about myself


17: I'll love you if...

I'll always love Sam, even if he becomes disabled and is in a wheel chair for the rest of his life. I'll look after him and if he was so bad, I would drop everything and become his carer. It doesn't matter how he turns out in the future because I will always love him no matter what. Because he is m world and love, and I would do anything for him :) 

18: Something I'm really good at

I would like to say writing stories, book reviews. I think I've gone down on my drumming now which isn't so good, but I'll get back up to date with it. I think I'm good at photography and art but that's just about it. 

19: Something I'm really bad at

Staying calm when I get mad, keeping an eye on cooking, music theory, maths.
I don't know what else I could put, I'm sure I'm bad at other things but just can't think.

20: What I wish for at 11:11

To stay with Sam for a long time, and for my nan not to suffer :(

21: A reason I've lied to a friend

To not upset them and to protect them and keep them safe :) 

22: Favourite Movie

I have so many favourite movies! Probably in order they would have to be...Lost Boys, Cinderella Story, The Crow, Monsters Inc. Finding Nemo and The Holiday. I have more but can't be assed to put them on.

23: Something that has made you mad recently

Kriss Davis.

24: A random fact about yourself

I still suck my thumb at 17....nearly 18.

25: Question of your choice

Do you like Water Melons? I do :)