Thursday 28 March 2013

Hitting The Road


Hey there guys, haven't been on here in a while. I guess I have a lot of things to tell you and what has been happening so far in my life. Well, where to start?

So recently, I've been finding myself hating the college curse I'm on more and more each day and every time when I'm there. Which is sad to think and I hate that I don't like it anymore, cause the first year was so wonderful and awesome. And I loved it ever so much, and this year..Well, it's just fucking shite!

It's sadly and mainly down to how our lesson's are taught and that is because of James, he's a total fucking cunt and everyone hates him with a passion. He was a student teacher last year on year one when we started and when we had Dave. He was cool then and okay, had a laugh. But now cause he's got his fucking certificate to prove that he's a "Qualified" teacher, everything has turned to shit. His lessons are hardly ever structured and makes us stay and waste loads of time doing fuck all when we don't need to. He's just made me sadly bored of the drums, well not bored but it makes me look at my kit and think, "Oh what a task" and not "Woo fucking drums, alright!" Which I HATE so fucking much. Bellend. 

He also has something personal against me, after I filed a complaint form, which by the way are easy to get and handed out at students services but once you've done it. It's apparently "Uncalled for and shouldn't of been done in the first place" It's all bullshit.

He just basically doesn't know what he's doing, I'm fed up with the course, I want Dave to teach us again believe it or not cause his teaching methods we're awesome!! And just basically he knew how to have a laugh. And then there's the lessons and band practises and all that shit. 

So on to new terms, I went for a job interview recently at Virgin Media where my dad works and they gave me the job and I apparently passed! So now I start work on April the 8th and will be getting paid weekly and can't wait! It's full-time like, so that means working in the day and shit, for everyday of the week but Saturday and Sunday. So I won't see Sam as much, which I hate but we will still be fine and it will cause our relationship to grow stronger! Though I really really hate it that our first year of being together we will not see each other int he day time but at night time. But hey, what can you do? 

Also, we have been together now for nearly a YEAR!! WOOO, it's been 11 months and I love him ever so much and will for a very long time. I'm so proud of him and just OOOOO I dunno, Love him to bits!! :D xxxx Still can't believe we're together to be honest, not as in why haven't we split up yet, but just cause Wow, I'm with Sam Burrows. Haha, he's wonderful and ever so lovely and always is :) Woooow, still seems like yesterday we we're at the pictures and walking to Meadowhall and sitting in BHS haha. Then at the top of the hill in Clifton :) He's my baby and I loooorve him haha. 

In other news I've been baking loads of cakes recently and getting my baking skills and decorating skills up to scratch as one day I plan to run my own cake business! Going to save some money from this job (Which is a 6 Month contract) But I'll get some money and be able to save up for driving lessons, my cake business and holidays. So yeah, can't wait! Eeeep! :D 

Really really happy at the moment, and all is great in my life. Really can't wait to go to college and see the look on James's face when I say I have a job and I've leaving!! WOO!!

Till later, 
Emma xx :D 

When we first started going out last year :)  <3