Tuesday 28 May 2013

Baby You're Gone....

Howdy ho! 

How are we all? I'll tell you how I am, fucking ecstatic! And I'm not being sarcastic either haha. 

Following on the last post, I have now officially quit college and so fucking glad that I did and I hated the fucker with a vengeance haha. I now have a job, and have been working at Virgin Media for a little over a month now and loving every minute of it.

I mean, it can be boring sometimes, but I wouldn't got back to college instead, which is sad in a way. But I'm also earning tones of dosh so I ain't really complaining. This meaning that I can afford to go on holiday at some point. I have opened a savings account and so far have something like £550 in it and that's from one month! Ha!

Hopefully I will get kept on as it's only a 6 month thing, but if I work my hardest, I'm always on time and don't slack I don't see why I shouldn't. I can also with the money I save, start to save up for my cake business and other things, I'm back in to writing my fan-fiction and also normal fiction, which I am hoping to get it published some day. 

I'm back on the drums!! :D  Not like every day or anything, but quite a bit more than I was whilst I was at college though :D Which is AWESOME. And at the moment, I'm reading more also. 

Tbh I don't know what else to say...Sam and I are still strong together and wonderful, granted that we don't see each other as much as we would like, such as with his gigs and me working. Which is a tad annoying when he can't come to mine sometimes cause of practise or him having gigs for then to be cancelled and practise called on the day. So it would ruin a whole lotta time we could of spent together -.-" And when Jake's being a cunt as always, or when he can't book any holiday's off with me cause of it. 

THOUGH, hopefully, we will be going away in July instead of September (Like originally planned) Cause he's mentioned it this time. And I really really do hope that we can go as I really want to, he's bothered about me paying but I don't give a shit cause I JUST WANT TO GO AWAY!! Haha, so yeah, hopefully we will go away to Scarborough which will be nice :D 

Other than that, I'm meeting up with the girls tomorrow which will be lovely as I haven't seen them in a while. AND OMFG I FORGOT TO SAY I GOT A TATTOO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! Woo!!....

Yes, this is my tattoo and I love it to pieces. My first tattoo too! And it's of a creme egg haha. It's very unique though and it's not fully healed up yet, so I will show you another photo when  it have completed it's healing process, looks awesome though! :D 

In other news, Sam's getting his hair cut possibly, TRAGIC I know, *Le sigh*
But if he wants it done he can get it done, not up to me to say. Yes I will miss it TONES as it's one of the things I fell in love with, but it doesn't mean that the man behind the hair is gone forever. He is still the same Sam as he ever was and will be, and I'll love him all the same if not more. Though I will miss it terribly, but it always grows back. 

That said I suppose it's only like me dying my hair and getting  tattoo's which he doesn't like but he likes it cause I do haha. So either way it's the same and will grow back. Hope it's only a trim though and not fully cut short haha :S Eeeep. MEN WITH LONG HAIR FOR THE WIN!! Haha, would it be bad if I asked him to cut me a little bit off so I can keep one of his curls?...Probably haha. 

But that's all for me folks, be back soon! 

Byeee xxx 

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