Tuesday 18 December 2012

Talking To Old Friends

So my drum teacher randomly started talking to me today which was nice. As I haven't spoken to him in ages, and well I kinda missed it.
Was nice, asked how I was and about drumming and everyone else. Though explained to him about Nan and that and why I can't go to drumming lessons anymore, and that it wasn't his fault either why I stopped going. 

How he called my ex a total dickhead and a fat wanker which I love him for saying and that he was happy that I was with Sam and happy. Told him that If I could I would come back to my lessons and that I haven't been to any other drum teacher. As I feel that they would be a total cunt and I wouldn't have that same learning and education in drum lessons with any other teacher, as what it was with Matt. 

Though he asked me some stuff which was a little embarrassing  but I don't mind cause he's not like a creep or anything he just cares and he's more of a mate tbh than a teacher so it's all good and I trust him. 

A letter came from Sandra today in the post, she sent me 4 Moomin lolly pops, which by the way are fucking awesome and taste of apples. So I've been writing back to her, just finished the 4th double sided piece of paper and decided to call it a night for letter writing for now. My hands hurt and so do my teeth! But that's not because of the writing, and I don't know what! Probably another tooth that has been pushing against it, still hurts like a bitch though! Haha

Been talking to Frankie as well,who is my cousin who lives very very far away in Lincolnshire  though she say's she's okay. Got a few problems at home and with her boyfriend but, well I would say everything is fine but it's not. 

And George has got his Christmas Ball tonight, doesn't seem like nearly two years since I left school and had my Christmas Ball! He's grown up so much and it's gone so fast, be his prom soon and then he'll be leaving! Wow, that's scary haha. He's still the baby brother though, and always will be. When I'm 64 and he's 62 haha xxx 

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