Wednesday 12 December 2012

Wow...It's Been A Long Time

Hello wonderful people, that is if anyone still reads this thing anymore, which I highly doubt it but anyway! On with life!

So recently I will tell you things that have been happening in my wonderful world and we'll just see where the ball rolls from there shall we? Yes? Good!

Back at college as you know, it's wank this year, bloody hate it with a vengeance haha. But today we had a gig that we have been practicing for and to be honest I thought it turned out better than I thought. But we have new Techies (Tech students) doing the sound for us and they were TOTAL FUCKING WANKERS! Honestly, they need to be slapped in the face with a fucking chair. Cunts. 

The whole story is that we did our sound check and shit like that, then we had a break where I stuffed my face with 20 Chicken nuggets (Sam stole some though, after his two cheese burgers, piggy) 

But then we had our performance to which we thought it was okay, until thick fuck techies started slagging us off through the headphones in the back stage area, but cause there retards they probably forgot that they we're still turned on and we could hear everything they we're saying -.-" Though it wasn't Franklin or Billups so that's good! :D 

But yeah to them, Aileen, Nat (Who is a bitch btw Looooooooong story, so is Jake) but yeah and some other girls are all wank singers and that they we're too nervous or something which is fair enough. I was apparently in my own fucking world, but to be fair I always am so that's really nothing new. But still fucked me off, and Sam, Tom and Jake and a fat cunt. There band and songs they played we're boring and that they sounded crap. Which they didn't, none of us did to be fair. 

But in all fairness, let's face it, techies (apart from Sam and possibly Billups) are people who have failed at being a musician and cannot play an instrument to save their lives, so they took the easy option in music and decided to press buttons and twist dials, like they would if they we're in nursery. Thick twats. 

Though, in the end James found out and listened to it all, I have recordings of it. But lo and behold! They all denied it which everyone saw coming, someone on our course had a massive go and went ape shit, and said that all they do is press buttons and don't really do much, To which Rob the dick (used to be known as technician...see where it all fits in?) stuck up for them even though he knew that there point was invalid.

Other than all the music students wanting to punch the cunts in the face and smack them in the face with a chair and possible other sharp objects. It was an okay night. 

In other news been with Sam now for 8 months and all is well and good :) Very very happy and love him very very much....he's sat next to me and say's hi (secretly, he doesn't know he's said it) And also in other news....I HATE BEING FUCKING COCK-BLOCKED SO MANY FUCKING TIMES IN ONE WEEK AND DAYS. SUCKS BALLS!

But I'm off, night xx

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