Tuesday 28 May 2013

Baby You're Gone....

Howdy ho! 

How are we all? I'll tell you how I am, fucking ecstatic! And I'm not being sarcastic either haha. 

Following on the last post, I have now officially quit college and so fucking glad that I did and I hated the fucker with a vengeance haha. I now have a job, and have been working at Virgin Media for a little over a month now and loving every minute of it.

I mean, it can be boring sometimes, but I wouldn't got back to college instead, which is sad in a way. But I'm also earning tones of dosh so I ain't really complaining. This meaning that I can afford to go on holiday at some point. I have opened a savings account and so far have something like £550 in it and that's from one month! Ha!

Hopefully I will get kept on as it's only a 6 month thing, but if I work my hardest, I'm always on time and don't slack I don't see why I shouldn't. I can also with the money I save, start to save up for my cake business and other things, I'm back in to writing my fan-fiction and also normal fiction, which I am hoping to get it published some day. 

I'm back on the drums!! :D  Not like every day or anything, but quite a bit more than I was whilst I was at college though :D Which is AWESOME. And at the moment, I'm reading more also. 

Tbh I don't know what else to say...Sam and I are still strong together and wonderful, granted that we don't see each other as much as we would like, such as with his gigs and me working. Which is a tad annoying when he can't come to mine sometimes cause of practise or him having gigs for then to be cancelled and practise called on the day. So it would ruin a whole lotta time we could of spent together -.-" And when Jake's being a cunt as always, or when he can't book any holiday's off with me cause of it. 

THOUGH, hopefully, we will be going away in July instead of September (Like originally planned) Cause he's mentioned it this time. And I really really do hope that we can go as I really want to, he's bothered about me paying but I don't give a shit cause I JUST WANT TO GO AWAY!! Haha, so yeah, hopefully we will go away to Scarborough which will be nice :D 

Other than that, I'm meeting up with the girls tomorrow which will be lovely as I haven't seen them in a while. AND OMFG I FORGOT TO SAY I GOT A TATTOO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! Woo!!....

Yes, this is my tattoo and I love it to pieces. My first tattoo too! And it's of a creme egg haha. It's very unique though and it's not fully healed up yet, so I will show you another photo when  it have completed it's healing process, looks awesome though! :D 

In other news, Sam's getting his hair cut possibly, TRAGIC I know, *Le sigh*
But if he wants it done he can get it done, not up to me to say. Yes I will miss it TONES as it's one of the things I fell in love with, but it doesn't mean that the man behind the hair is gone forever. He is still the same Sam as he ever was and will be, and I'll love him all the same if not more. Though I will miss it terribly, but it always grows back. 

That said I suppose it's only like me dying my hair and getting  tattoo's which he doesn't like but he likes it cause I do haha. So either way it's the same and will grow back. Hope it's only a trim though and not fully cut short haha :S Eeeep. MEN WITH LONG HAIR FOR THE WIN!! Haha, would it be bad if I asked him to cut me a little bit off so I can keep one of his curls?...Probably haha. 

But that's all for me folks, be back soon! 

Byeee xxx 

Monday 15 April 2013

Quick Post

Hey guys, just a quick post.

It's to say that a new band from Rotherham have just released a new song of theirs and was just popping into say that if you like new music, that's in the lines of rock/blues. Then there new song is for you.


It's only 95p so if you want to and your up for new and upcoming music. Copy the link into your search bar and click go! :D

Cheers, much love,
Emma x

Thursday 28 March 2013

Hitting The Road


Hey there guys, haven't been on here in a while. I guess I have a lot of things to tell you and what has been happening so far in my life. Well, where to start?

So recently, I've been finding myself hating the college curse I'm on more and more each day and every time when I'm there. Which is sad to think and I hate that I don't like it anymore, cause the first year was so wonderful and awesome. And I loved it ever so much, and this year..Well, it's just fucking shite!

It's sadly and mainly down to how our lesson's are taught and that is because of James, he's a total fucking cunt and everyone hates him with a passion. He was a student teacher last year on year one when we started and when we had Dave. He was cool then and okay, had a laugh. But now cause he's got his fucking certificate to prove that he's a "Qualified" teacher, everything has turned to shit. His lessons are hardly ever structured and makes us stay and waste loads of time doing fuck all when we don't need to. He's just made me sadly bored of the drums, well not bored but it makes me look at my kit and think, "Oh what a task" and not "Woo fucking drums, alright!" Which I HATE so fucking much. Bellend. 

He also has something personal against me, after I filed a complaint form, which by the way are easy to get and handed out at students services but once you've done it. It's apparently "Uncalled for and shouldn't of been done in the first place" It's all bullshit.

He just basically doesn't know what he's doing, I'm fed up with the course, I want Dave to teach us again believe it or not cause his teaching methods we're awesome!! And just basically he knew how to have a laugh. And then there's the lessons and band practises and all that shit. 

So on to new terms, I went for a job interview recently at Virgin Media where my dad works and they gave me the job and I apparently passed! So now I start work on April the 8th and will be getting paid weekly and can't wait! It's full-time like, so that means working in the day and shit, for everyday of the week but Saturday and Sunday. So I won't see Sam as much, which I hate but we will still be fine and it will cause our relationship to grow stronger! Though I really really hate it that our first year of being together we will not see each other int he day time but at night time. But hey, what can you do? 

Also, we have been together now for nearly a YEAR!! WOOO, it's been 11 months and I love him ever so much and will for a very long time. I'm so proud of him and just OOOOO I dunno, Love him to bits!! :D xxxx Still can't believe we're together to be honest, not as in why haven't we split up yet, but just cause Wow, I'm with Sam Burrows. Haha, he's wonderful and ever so lovely and always is :) Woooow, still seems like yesterday we we're at the pictures and walking to Meadowhall and sitting in BHS haha. Then at the top of the hill in Clifton :) He's my baby and I loooorve him haha. 

In other news I've been baking loads of cakes recently and getting my baking skills and decorating skills up to scratch as one day I plan to run my own cake business! Going to save some money from this job (Which is a 6 Month contract) But I'll get some money and be able to save up for driving lessons, my cake business and holidays. So yeah, can't wait! Eeeep! :D 

Really really happy at the moment, and all is great in my life. Really can't wait to go to college and see the look on James's face when I say I have a job and I've leaving!! WOO!!

Till later, 
Emma xx :D 

When we first started going out last year :)  <3 

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Talking To Old Friends

So my drum teacher randomly started talking to me today which was nice. As I haven't spoken to him in ages, and well I kinda missed it.
Was nice, asked how I was and about drumming and everyone else. Though explained to him about Nan and that and why I can't go to drumming lessons anymore, and that it wasn't his fault either why I stopped going. 

How he called my ex a total dickhead and a fat wanker which I love him for saying and that he was happy that I was with Sam and happy. Told him that If I could I would come back to my lessons and that I haven't been to any other drum teacher. As I feel that they would be a total cunt and I wouldn't have that same learning and education in drum lessons with any other teacher, as what it was with Matt. 

Though he asked me some stuff which was a little embarrassing  but I don't mind cause he's not like a creep or anything he just cares and he's more of a mate tbh than a teacher so it's all good and I trust him. 

A letter came from Sandra today in the post, she sent me 4 Moomin lolly pops, which by the way are fucking awesome and taste of apples. So I've been writing back to her, just finished the 4th double sided piece of paper and decided to call it a night for letter writing for now. My hands hurt and so do my teeth! But that's not because of the writing, and I don't know what! Probably another tooth that has been pushing against it, still hurts like a bitch though! Haha

Been talking to Frankie as well,who is my cousin who lives very very far away in Lincolnshire  though she say's she's okay. Got a few problems at home and with her boyfriend but, well I would say everything is fine but it's not. 

And George has got his Christmas Ball tonight, doesn't seem like nearly two years since I left school and had my Christmas Ball! He's grown up so much and it's gone so fast, be his prom soon and then he'll be leaving! Wow, that's scary haha. He's still the baby brother though, and always will be. When I'm 64 and he's 62 haha xxx 

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Wow...It's Been A Long Time

Hello wonderful people, that is if anyone still reads this thing anymore, which I highly doubt it but anyway! On with life!

So recently I will tell you things that have been happening in my wonderful world and we'll just see where the ball rolls from there shall we? Yes? Good!

Back at college as you know, it's wank this year, bloody hate it with a vengeance haha. But today we had a gig that we have been practicing for and to be honest I thought it turned out better than I thought. But we have new Techies (Tech students) doing the sound for us and they were TOTAL FUCKING WANKERS! Honestly, they need to be slapped in the face with a fucking chair. Cunts. 

The whole story is that we did our sound check and shit like that, then we had a break where I stuffed my face with 20 Chicken nuggets (Sam stole some though, after his two cheese burgers, piggy) 

But then we had our performance to which we thought it was okay, until thick fuck techies started slagging us off through the headphones in the back stage area, but cause there retards they probably forgot that they we're still turned on and we could hear everything they we're saying -.-" Though it wasn't Franklin or Billups so that's good! :D 

But yeah to them, Aileen, Nat (Who is a bitch btw Looooooooong story, so is Jake) but yeah and some other girls are all wank singers and that they we're too nervous or something which is fair enough. I was apparently in my own fucking world, but to be fair I always am so that's really nothing new. But still fucked me off, and Sam, Tom and Jake and a fat cunt. There band and songs they played we're boring and that they sounded crap. Which they didn't, none of us did to be fair. 

But in all fairness, let's face it, techies (apart from Sam and possibly Billups) are people who have failed at being a musician and cannot play an instrument to save their lives, so they took the easy option in music and decided to press buttons and twist dials, like they would if they we're in nursery. Thick twats. 

Though, in the end James found out and listened to it all, I have recordings of it. But lo and behold! They all denied it which everyone saw coming, someone on our course had a massive go and went ape shit, and said that all they do is press buttons and don't really do much, To which Rob the dick (used to be known as technician...see where it all fits in?) stuck up for them even though he knew that there point was invalid.

Other than all the music students wanting to punch the cunts in the face and smack them in the face with a chair and possible other sharp objects. It was an okay night. 

In other news been with Sam now for 8 months and all is well and good :) Very very happy and love him very very much....he's sat next to me and say's hi (secretly, he doesn't know he's said it) And also in other news....I HATE BEING FUCKING COCK-BLOCKED SO MANY FUCKING TIMES IN ONE WEEK AND DAYS. SUCKS BALLS!

But I'm off, night xx

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Been Thinking, I Needed To Post

Okay, so I've been thinking about some stuff recently and I know what I'm going to do. It's just if I type it onto here it will make me feel better.

I've recently started thinking about...you know..with Sam. Which for me in a way is strange not as in like "Ew" strange just. A nice strange I guess. Cause I never thought about it when I was with Danny or Lewis at all. And I was with one for a year and the other for two. But I've been with Sam for a grand total of 5 months on the 10th.

There's times I really really want to with him, but I wait myself out I don't know why. Maybe because I want to be 18, not that I'm basing it around an age, but I just don't want to be one of those people who loose it at at a young age. Don't get me wrong I'm curious. Just, I dunno it's strange to explain.

But with Sam it's different. I feel more safe aroung him and more relaxed. I feel I can really trust him and that he's not like any of the others. He really isn't, and I know he will treat me right always, as I will with him.

But then Aileen goes and asks me to go with her to get a C-Card. And I thought about getting one too, but then I don't really need one cause I don't think I'm fully ready yet. Sure I've told Sam about what I think. But at the moment, I want to wait a bit longer, to be with him longer. But I would get some just to make sure and be on the safe side and there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

I mean, just cause you have some doesn't mean you have to use them. You're just been smart and safe. But if I have some stashed at the bottom of my bed in a box, it would tempt me more, and more and I feel if I did it, I would be just doing it ob impulse and because I have them. I wouldn't be doing it out of love or anything like that.

I just feel that I need to be with him longer, it's nothing to do with him, it's just me :) but I'm happy about that. I'm hapy and proud that I'm still a virgin and it doesn't make me sad or anything. You know? I'm happy I waited :) I'm really happy.

I can always get them, it's not like there dissapearing any time soon, are they? Ha! Aileen can get some but I'll just go with her. Tbh, I think it scares me a little. I would get paranoid about being pregnant or something and I don't want that at all. Or what if I did and our relationship fizzled out and died down a bit? And wasn't the same as it was before? That's why I want to be with him for a bit longer before any of that. Idk...
Just nerves and over thinking and me I guess. Hopefully one day I'll get past that and see, because I don't see it as fucking I know it sounds sad and cliche but it's love. That's what it is, and that's what I want from it. :)

Started college btw...it's wank.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Answering these questions cause I have fuck all to do

1: Picture of yourself

2: A description of my self-esteem

I think my self-esteem is quite good and okay actually, I mean I don't think low of myself or anything like that, I used to when I was bullied, but now since I've got older and learnt to not take shit from anyone, everything is good. I sometimes think I'm useless but only when I feel really shit, but other than that I think it's good. 

3: My favourite book

I have many, it's so hard to chose from. But it will probably have to be the Harry Potter books, because they changed my way of thinking and made me read so much more, made me see the magical side to things. It was just a great fantasy series and it's something that I have grown up with and always shall. They mean a great deal to me, and I will always treasure that. They also helped me to write my own stories too. So thanks J.K Rowling!

4: Biggest Turn Offs

Oh I don't know, I'm sure there are some I could think of but I don't know. The smell of smoke, smelly breath and B.O I have no clue, but it would probably be those haha. 

5: Biggest Turn On's

See, when it comes to these, I could go on forever! There's...Lip biting, neck biting and sucking, ass grabbing, pinned against a wall, wrists pinned down, hand over mouth, when men bite their lip, dirty talk, when Sam talks on the phone or in person in that voice. Ear biting, just biting in general, nails down back, thighs grabbed and squeezed, ass slapped, shoulders been grabbed.

6: Most famous person you've met

I don't know, I've met quite a few people who are famous from bands. Such as everyone from The 69 Eyes, everyone from Young Guns, Acey Slade, lead singer from The Chelsea Smiles. I've met loads of people but just can't remember them haha.

7: What I want to be when I'm older

I've always wanted to be an author, from a very small age and the be able to write a book or many books as I love to read. But it won't happen haha but I do want to do something in music, just depends on where it takes me and what I would like to end up aspiring to be :)

8: My relationship(s) with my sibling(s)

I have a good and strong relationship with my brother. We hardly every fight and we're always there for each other, if the others upset or anything. We're always there if the other wants to text y voice, message or on the phone. We know we can talk to each other about anything and always have a laugh. Sometimes we do argue but it usually gets sorted out in the next 10 minutes. All in all, it's great and I love him to pieces. 

9: Relationship status?

At the moment I am in a wonderful relationship with a lovely and perfect guy named Sam Burrows. We met at college on the same course and was friends for year before, then I started liking him and he start liking me but I didn't know haha. In the end we went on a date to the pictures two months ago and been together since! It's wonderful, he's wonderful! And lovely, beautiful, handsome, smart, kind, talented, loving, caring, sweet, generous, gorgeous, strong...he's altogether the PERFECT man any woman could have...well, only me haha. But he is and I love him so much, to pieces, to the moon and back and to infinity and beyond! More then the universe and the galaxy's combined. I love him with all my heart and always will, since he always makes me laugh, smile, giggle and always manages to cheer me up. So basically, what I'm trying to say, is that I've finally found the perfect man

10: What I did yesterday

I was at Sam's most of the day yesterday, doing coursework with him and listening to him play guitar. Then we ended up coming to mine and having a lovely time ordering Chinese and just sat talking and cuddling in my room. Though I ended up getting a little upset, but he looked after me and gave me lots of cuddles and kisses and made me feel much better and it was just a lovely night and day. Then we ends up falling to sleep, though I had to creep downstairs to sleep on the couch haha.

11: What I'm doing today

Well, I'm going to make an English breakfast for us both, since I'm nice like that. Or try to, first need to see what we have in. Then after that we're both just gonna chill and watch films or something and then we will have to set off to college to hand in our work, which to be honest is a pile of shit cause I really don't wanna do that. But then we will hand around in Clifton park or near the sweet shop for hours on end until we both have to go home :( 

12: What I'm doing tomorrow

I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow, I don't plan that far a head. My mind can't, it's too complicated for that stuff.

13: Most embarrassing moment

There have been many embarrassing moments, such as the whole thing with Mr. Needham. But one that I can remember would be when Sam and I were not going out and someone was having a discussion about masturbation and who did it....so yeah, I think you can guess the rest of that story as it was so fucking embarrassing. 

14: Description of who I like love

Well, he has long very curly brown hair that just reaches his shoulders, a tad bit longer. GORGEOUS blue eyes, there like crystals, no joke! Lovely cupid bow lips, a strong jaw and cute ears and nose. The most beautiful smile on earth and laugh and giggle. When he Say's "Nooo" In that high squeaky voice. Very very talented at guitar and very sexy. He has a beautiful personality and he's a very strong, caring, loving person. He's just beautiful and handsome all together, he's smart and has a wonderful and fantastic sense of humour which I love. He has an awesome way of dressing and not afraid to show it, he's my chameleon :) And I love him ever so much....guess what. His name is 
Sam Lewis Burrows

15: Biggest insecurities?

Probably my tummy and eyebrows, I sometimes like my tummy and sometimes I don't. But I hate my eyebrows, so much. But other than that i don't really have any haha.

16: Something I wish I could change about myself


17: I'll love you if...

I'll always love Sam, even if he becomes disabled and is in a wheel chair for the rest of his life. I'll look after him and if he was so bad, I would drop everything and become his carer. It doesn't matter how he turns out in the future because I will always love him no matter what. Because he is m world and love, and I would do anything for him :) 

18: Something I'm really good at

I would like to say writing stories, book reviews. I think I've gone down on my drumming now which isn't so good, but I'll get back up to date with it. I think I'm good at photography and art but that's just about it. 

19: Something I'm really bad at

Staying calm when I get mad, keeping an eye on cooking, music theory, maths.
I don't know what else I could put, I'm sure I'm bad at other things but just can't think.

20: What I wish for at 11:11

To stay with Sam for a long time, and for my nan not to suffer :(

21: A reason I've lied to a friend

To not upset them and to protect them and keep them safe :) 

22: Favourite Movie

I have so many favourite movies! Probably in order they would have to be...Lost Boys, Cinderella Story, The Crow, Monsters Inc. Finding Nemo and The Holiday. I have more but can't be assed to put them on.

23: Something that has made you mad recently

Kriss Davis.

24: A random fact about yourself

I still suck my thumb at 17....nearly 18.

25: Question of your choice

Do you like Water Melons? I do :)