Wednesday 29 February 2012

Here, have some songs

Here have some videos that were taken from college yesterday at our performance. 

We all got put into three groups and we had to make an original song up and we had to do a cover also. The project was on the theme of love and our last one was punk, the order of people are..

First Video:
John - Vocals
Mitchell - Guitar
Tom - Bass
Sam - Drums
Me - Drums

Second Video:
Aileen - Vocals
Sam - Guitar
Simon - Guitar
Leanne - Drums

Third Video:
Natalie - Vocals
David - Guitar
Kriss - Guitar
Alex - Bass
Jake - Drums

Tuesday 28 February 2012

If You Want Me, The Cherry On Top (Dirty Bitch)


I'm in a really good mood and it's all thanks to college. To say that I complain about going (and I'm only there 2 days a week) I don't know why cause I love it afterwards. It's always a bloody laugh, even when Jake and Sam decide to gang up on me >.< Oh yeah, the thing at the top is what Jake put on FB to describe us all from today haha
But yeah, we had our performance today which went okay actually, to say that I had hardly practised it at all haha. I did have some mistakes but they weren't noticeable, unless you're a drummer. But it went good, everyone else did wonderful too, and I love every single one of them...well...there is Kriss. I feel bad about saying that now, but he is fucking annoying as hell! I can't remember what I was on about now...

So yeah, each band did their performance and then we had one more lesson which was James's then we got to go home at 2:00pm instead of 7:00pm at night! Winning!
But we didn't go home and ended up staying for another 3 hours at college till 5:00pm haha.

We talked about....Sex, cock, fage, virgins, ass, music, bands, that's what she said, dirty bitch, dirty bastard and a load of other crap haha We're a strange lot. It's become my name at college to be called Dirty Bitch...not in that way. But simply because everything anyone says I take it in a wrong way and say...


OMFG! Nat did the best one ever today, she was trying to understand where the cable goes on the speakers so she said "What hole does it go in? Cause there's three and I don't know where it goes!?" So I was about to say something and mate Sam goes "Don't!" But I couldn't resist that and just had to say "That's what she said!" Really loud haha, then got called a Dirty Bitch...again ;)

Then we just ended up going into the common room and chilling for like 3 hours, there was...Me, Aileen, Harry, Sam, Mitch, Jake, Leanne, Nat and Callum. I don't even remember what we did for that long, just sat and talked about random crap...and Leanne's shoe. OMFG That shoe was horrible, Sam decided to shove it in people's faces cause he's charming like that. Fucking smelt fresh >.<

I was sat in the chair, then went to the loo. Aileen nicked it, so I sat with her, then I ended up on the floor, then on a stool, then on the couch with Sam and Mitch then he moved and then I ended up sharing the couch with Sam. Which then we decided to play a game with Nat to see how many Midget Gems (Understatement of the fucking year) we could both throw into her top haha. Then me and Leanne had a lovely convo about camping and bribed everyone to go camping...well nearly everyone haha.

Then it died down a bit and Mitch fell asleep so he got the shoe in his face, so did Aileen and I. It was fucking fresh >.< But yeah Aileen fell asleep, Mitch fell asleep but then moved, then Sam laid on one end of the couch, and I laid on the other side and I kinda drifted of as he played with the games on my phone haha.


But also  in the space of that day, I got shoved into an elevator, booted with a guitar case constantly, picked up, beanie stolen, forgot the beanie then walked up the stairs and Tom saved it and I gave him a big cuddle since he saved me purple child. Got called a Dirty Bitch constantly. Oh! I went to kick Sam and booted the wall instead, since I was walking down the stairs earlier before that and he nudged behind my knee with his foot and I nearly fell down the stairs. And something happened with some parts of a drum kit but I can't remember haha.

Then we all ended up going home and I admitted something to Jess and Aileen...Balls. I might tell you about that another day. Oh yeah, Aileen and David nearly pissed themselves cause I snorted when I laughed >.<


Sorry just had a random singing moment then, but yeah we all just ended up packing up at 5:00pm then going home, everyone giving everyone that was there triple hugs. Since we said we were going then we didn't so it was just a circle of hugs haha. We're like a giant family and I love them all.

Also! I got invited to go to this place on Friday night with everyone from college but I can't cause I've already invited Jess and Lennod to sleep and have a girly night, though it wouldn't of been so bad to see a certain someone ;) and some friends haha :) Love them all so much, they never fail to put a smile on my face. And I know it sounds mean towards my old friends and don't get me wrong, I love all of them to death. But since I've found people who love the same things as me and just music in general, it's a wonderful feeling to know each and everyone of them. I am so happy I travel all that way to that specific college, because I would of never met some of the most wonderful, kind, smart, cheerful and funny people in my life :') <3


Night all x

Monday 20 February 2012

I'm Calling At Night, I don't Mean To Be A Bother....

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't spoke in a while, I just couldn't be assed to write a post, but I'm here now.
I haven't been up to much really, well that's a lie. I have.

Last week it was half term, so I had the week off from college. I saw a lot of Jess and Lennod which was so lovely to spend time with them as there by best friends and I hardly see any of my friends sometimes so it was nice seeing them for once.

[I've just been trying to add fucking gifs for the last fucking 5 minutes and none of them are fucking working!!]

I will tell you about being with them another day as I'm just too fucking pissed off at Lewis to tell you all the good stuff that actually happened throughout the holiday.

He's being a total cunt and I fucking hate him at the moment, just because he hasn't been having any sleep all week, he decides that anything I say when I speak to him, he fucking shouts at me down the phone, everything and anything I say. He has a fucking bitch, and he's been doing it for he past week.

All I was fucking trying to do was help him, but if he doesn't want the bloody fucking help he can fuck right off, the wanker. I swear, I try helping people and all I get is the shit thrown back in my face, there is no fucking point in helping people anymore, especially not him. I've done nothing but help him since his mum died, and all I get is a fucking butch at. Well he can fuck off.

See! Fucking Reid understands, as soon as I saw this fucking episode, I was all...
"That's me that, I can totally relate to that!"


"Oh yeah, how was your day love?"

I've been thinking to myself recently if there is someone else, or if he just blows off plans with me for his fucking mates. I don't give a shit what happens this week, cause I am not seeing his fucking band play. Half the time how can he say that I don't listen to him, or that I don't care?!

I fucking pay £5 all the time to go see his own band play for like 3 hours, yet he can't even spend 10 fucking minutes with me on he phone anymore. I just don't know what to do anymore, and it's going to get to a point where I don't give a shit.

And I can see what's going to happen next, because it's happened before, and he will dump me for the 3rd time, and to be honest when that time comes, I don't even know if I will want to take him back! He never calls me and it's always me that has to do it.

And how come when you have such an argument with someone and you promise yourself that you're not going to call them. Yet your the one that always calls up at the end of it saying sorry, when it wasn't even your fault in the first place?

He was supposed to come to mine last week and he never fucking did. I'm going to stop cause I'm just getting more depressed, stressed, upset, angry and just altogether pissed off. I really can't be fucking arsed with college tomorrow at all, and I definitely can't be assed to stay till 7:00pm. It's such a fucking ridiculous time. And it Dave fucking even starts to have a go at me tomorrow, he can fuck right off cause I'm not in the mood for anyone and I will probably just cry all day, because he is a fucking wanker!!!

Fucking Night!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Song's That Remind Me Of Things & People :)

If It Means Alot To You - A Day To Remember: It reminds me of Aileen and David from college always playing it in band practise together, and it was just them and it sounded beautiful :')

Wonderwall - Oasis: Reminds me of college when everyone used to sit down in the entrance at dinner and the whole class sat round in a circle and all sang together, whilst Micth and Danny played guitar

Tik Tok - The Midnight Beast: Reminds me of Aileen, Leanne and I singing and dancing around to it in the bus station at Rotherham, whilst waiting for our buses "Shut up mom I'm on MSN!"

Hangin On The Telephone - Blondie: Reminds me of the first band at college, Aileen, David, Alex and I. Playing it constantly on repeat haha :')

Chelsea Dagger - The Fratellis: Singing it to Chelsea constantly throughout the years at school :P

Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't) - All Time Low: Reminds me of Geography, with Jess. Changing the lyrics, and Mr.Needham *_*

What I Go To School For - Busted: Reminds me of Mr.Needham, when me and Jess changed the lyrics completely and used to sing it in class, cause it was totally true haha

Marry You - Bruno Mars: Reminds me of the time at school when it was getting near to leaving and Lucy and I constantly sang it to each other and together, whilst finishing our tables in Woodwork :')

Fuck You - Cee Lo Green: Always reminds me of all my friends, playing it at parties and singing at the top of our lungs. Walking home from school and last days of school ;')

Something In Your Mouth - Nickelback: Reminds me of when Balfour and I were singing the song in a class and got sent out for singing "Dirty little lady with the pretty pink thong, every sugar daddy hitting on her all night long, doesn't care about the money, she could be with anybody, ain't it funny how the hunni wanted you all along!" And him trying to learn the words for the gig, then when they played it, we looked at each other and sang it

Gives You Hell - The All-American Rejects: When I split up with an ex and it's all I listened to. Made me feel so much better

Say You Don't Want It - One Night Only: Reminds me of leaving school and Jess :') And also when Conor and I were at Jess's and we were just pratting about haha :)

Scary Song - Wednesday 13: When Lucy and I were in music once, and we got asked to write some Halloween lyrics and we couldn't think of any, so I decided to write down Scary Song lyrics and the teacher believed it was us that wrote it xD

How To Save A Life - The Fray: It reminds me of Sam and I walking together along the small beach at Scarborough. It always done, we were just walking and chatting and having a really nice time :')