Tuesday 28 February 2012

If You Want Me, The Cherry On Top (Dirty Bitch)


I'm in a really good mood and it's all thanks to college. To say that I complain about going (and I'm only there 2 days a week) I don't know why cause I love it afterwards. It's always a bloody laugh, even when Jake and Sam decide to gang up on me >.< Oh yeah, the thing at the top is what Jake put on FB to describe us all from today haha
But yeah, we had our performance today which went okay actually, to say that I had hardly practised it at all haha. I did have some mistakes but they weren't noticeable, unless you're a drummer. But it went good, everyone else did wonderful too, and I love every single one of them...well...there is Kriss. I feel bad about saying that now, but he is fucking annoying as hell! I can't remember what I was on about now...

So yeah, each band did their performance and then we had one more lesson which was James's then we got to go home at 2:00pm instead of 7:00pm at night! Winning!
But we didn't go home and ended up staying for another 3 hours at college till 5:00pm haha.

We talked about....Sex, cock, fage, virgins, ass, music, bands, that's what she said, dirty bitch, dirty bastard and a load of other crap haha We're a strange lot. It's become my name at college to be called Dirty Bitch...not in that way. But simply because everything anyone says I take it in a wrong way and say...


OMFG! Nat did the best one ever today, she was trying to understand where the cable goes on the speakers so she said "What hole does it go in? Cause there's three and I don't know where it goes!?" So I was about to say something and mate Sam goes "Don't!" But I couldn't resist that and just had to say "That's what she said!" Really loud haha, then got called a Dirty Bitch...again ;)

Then we just ended up going into the common room and chilling for like 3 hours, there was...Me, Aileen, Harry, Sam, Mitch, Jake, Leanne, Nat and Callum. I don't even remember what we did for that long, just sat and talked about random crap...and Leanne's shoe. OMFG That shoe was horrible, Sam decided to shove it in people's faces cause he's charming like that. Fucking smelt fresh >.<

I was sat in the chair, then went to the loo. Aileen nicked it, so I sat with her, then I ended up on the floor, then on a stool, then on the couch with Sam and Mitch then he moved and then I ended up sharing the couch with Sam. Which then we decided to play a game with Nat to see how many Midget Gems (Understatement of the fucking year) we could both throw into her top haha. Then me and Leanne had a lovely convo about camping and bribed everyone to go camping...well nearly everyone haha.

Then it died down a bit and Mitch fell asleep so he got the shoe in his face, so did Aileen and I. It was fucking fresh >.< But yeah Aileen fell asleep, Mitch fell asleep but then moved, then Sam laid on one end of the couch, and I laid on the other side and I kinda drifted of as he played with the games on my phone haha.


But also  in the space of that day, I got shoved into an elevator, booted with a guitar case constantly, picked up, beanie stolen, forgot the beanie then walked up the stairs and Tom saved it and I gave him a big cuddle since he saved me purple child. Got called a Dirty Bitch constantly. Oh! I went to kick Sam and booted the wall instead, since I was walking down the stairs earlier before that and he nudged behind my knee with his foot and I nearly fell down the stairs. And something happened with some parts of a drum kit but I can't remember haha.

Then we all ended up going home and I admitted something to Jess and Aileen...Balls. I might tell you about that another day. Oh yeah, Aileen and David nearly pissed themselves cause I snorted when I laughed >.<


Sorry just had a random singing moment then, but yeah we all just ended up packing up at 5:00pm then going home, everyone giving everyone that was there triple hugs. Since we said we were going then we didn't so it was just a circle of hugs haha. We're like a giant family and I love them all.

Also! I got invited to go to this place on Friday night with everyone from college but I can't cause I've already invited Jess and Lennod to sleep and have a girly night, though it wouldn't of been so bad to see a certain someone ;) and some friends haha :) Love them all so much, they never fail to put a smile on my face. And I know it sounds mean towards my old friends and don't get me wrong, I love all of them to death. But since I've found people who love the same things as me and just music in general, it's a wonderful feeling to know each and everyone of them. I am so happy I travel all that way to that specific college, because I would of never met some of the most wonderful, kind, smart, cheerful and funny people in my life :') <3


Night all x

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