Friday 27 April 2012

When All The Lights Go Out...

Hey guys!

Yeah, this is my exact mood right now. I mean it, I'm eating chocolate as well, well it's an old Easter egg but it's still intact. Not much has been happening recently, Sam and I are still together which is wonderful and I'm so bloody happy about it. I really do love him to pieces :') Though I do have stuff to talk about, but it's not his fault in any way :)

Fuck's sake I'm so bloody bored right now, there's fuck all to do and Sam's gone to bed so can't call him -.-" Hopefully he will be awake later on through the night, if not...Then I guess I'm just seeing him tomorrow. Which brings me onto another point, since I was talking to mum about it earlier and she was all "How come you always go to his, how come he never comes to ours?" So I said "Cause he has practise Wednesday, Thursday and Friday" So there would be no point. 

Which sucks so much balls that he has practise all those day's throughout the week, which I blame Jake for and have my sad reasons that he's doing it cause he doesn't want Sam and I to spend time together, but then that's probably just me being a total bitch.

But why would you need to practise that much in a week, if you don't have any gigs until December time..I think. I honestly don't understand it. It's been like it for three weeks now and it just sucks balls cause I can hardly see him, and he hardly comes to mine because of it which sucks also. But what can you do?

So yeah, just told mum that they would be no point since he would come here extremely late and then have to get up and go at like 7 to get to Jake's in time for practise. ARGH it sucks balls, so the only way I can see him is if I stay or go to his, which isn't so bad cause I get to him :') Just wish he could come to mine more often. 

Though I'm seeing him tomorrow and then he's coming to mine on Sunday and then there's college on Monday and Tuesday. But I'm going to the caravan on Thursday with Aileen and don't come back till Sunday. I think I may die of loneliness if I don't see him, it's killed me today so how the FUCK am I gonna last 3-4 days?! D: 


I still can't believe I go out with him, like I really can't. I don't even know how he likes me but he does and it's all good. I just...I dunno, it's hard to believe that I used to talk about him with Aileen, David and Alex and now I sleep at his house and shill with him, and he's my boyfriend. It's so weird to say it, it's good, it's great and wonderful. But just strange from keeping it quiet and now, I just kiss and cuddle him and I can't believe it happened. But I'm so fucking happy about it :'D 

Trololololol when Nat gives everyone hugs at the end of the day on Tuesday and she turns to you and gives me the most filthiest looks on the face of the earth, looks me up and down like I'm filth and just stands there :') So I grabbed Sam's have and gave him a kiss in front of her then we said bye and walked off to meet his dad, BOOM!

Though she was flirting with Sam on Tuesday morning in Andy's lesson which pissed me off to no fucking end, so I ended up walking around Rotherham Town with Aileen and David screaming and shouting and swearing, cause it pissed me off so fucking much. But in the end I decided that it shouldn't since, I'm with Sam and not her. I get to kiss him, cuddle him, touch him and all that crap. NOT HER! So all is good and I'm fucking happy about it, she can flirt cause at the end of the day he's mine, I go out with him and I get to do, what she fucking can't! BOOM! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT THE FUCK BACK DOWN BITCH!! :D 

Oh fuck, I'm in such a happy mood, but there's fuck all to do. Probably should of saved that bath for tonight, could of passed some time then, bollocks. Might write some lyrics or something. Was gonna do some writing earlier, but just can't be arsed with it at all xD

Miss Sam so much though :'(

Oooh meant to go the pics with Balfour yesterday, but missed the film so we went bowling instead and it was fucking awesome! :D I won a game, and so did he, I'm quite proud of myself for that. Then we went into the arcade and prated about there, and then went to burger king :P Was a lovely night :) Oh yeah, there was a dude that was on the tram and he didn't have any socks or shoes on, and he just casually got off and walked to Cineworld... Hmmm

Ummm....What else can I tell you? ....Oooh Lennod's birthday tomorrow and she's having a party FUCK!!...I haven't got her anything. Oh bollocks, be okay she can have some money and a card or something :) Sorted. 

Dear...GOD! He looks like a paedophile xD Oooh went on the drums today after a while of not playing, I was fucking shite! xD

But I'm off now, since I have fuck all to do, but will find something to do. You never know, I may fall to sleep or just eat chocolate for the rest of my life and read a book until I finish it :P BOOM xD 

Bye Bitches! xxx  

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