Sunday 1 April 2012

Lately, I've Been Thinking About Someone...

Hellooooooooo! :D 
Alex is showing the right mood I'm in right now haha.

So I have quite a bit of stuff to tell you, and guess who it's about haha. God I would be sooo fucked if he read all these haha But I guess I need to catch you guys up haha 

Tuesday 27th March 2012

So on Tuesday it was the last day of college before we all split up for the Easter Holidays, and it went...well, it went wonderful actually, and been even better since! Haha. 

Since there was no Rockschool to do and we had no work to actually do, Dave let us all get into bands and shit, well if we wanted to. Which felt like it lasted for a good two hours haha. But I couldn't be assed to do anything so I just laid on the floor for a while. I was really comfy but then Jake and Sam decided to walk in, and Sam pretended to kick my head, but didn't haha. Then I was all comfy, and I could see like shadows above me but didn't think it of anything. Then suddenly Sam grabbed my wrists and Jake had my ankles and they decided to give me a leg-and-a-wing cause there cunts like that xD

Then  they we're all, "Oh Emma, come here. Come sit with us" And laughing, and I didn't trust them, but I went in the end and then sat next to Sam and chilled. The he started poking my leggings cause they were gold and he prodded me with a drumstick, which then caused me a bruise later, and I still have the fucker haha. 

Then later on, Alex and I started to walk somewhere for our break cause he wanted to talk about his relationship, by which I gave wonderful advise on haha. Then, Sam and Jake tagged along and we just ended up sitting on these rock things for a while and talked about all sorts xD 

Then at the end of the day, there was Sam, Simon, Jake and I. Then Jake went, so there was only us three left. I remember getting something out my bag but can't remember what it was lol. So I got a load of stuff out including a book called 'Drummer' that Sam decided to nick and prat about with and wouldn't give it me back. Then started saying stuff like "It's really called Bummer ain't it Emma? That's what it's called, You're a bummer right?" -.-"

So we started arguing cause I was trying to get it back and he leaned over so I had to like, really lean to get it back. Then I gave up in the end and I just decided to rest my head on his shoulder and then he rested his head on mine. It was lovely :') Then his dad came to pick him up, and he gave me a cuddle and I was like buried in his chest lol And his dad kept looking at me from the car. Then he put thumbs up as he usually does, so I stuck middle finger up at him and he just laughed then waved haha. 

Then he messaged me as soon as he got in the car on fb, saying that he wanted his book back :( Then we just ended up speaking to each other till 3am :') 

Saturday 31st March 2012

Recently through that time space of days, he gave me his phone number, which I may add. That I fucking died sooo fucking much haha. So been texting him :') 
Oh went to this Battle Of The Band thing in Rotherham, where a load of people from college we're playing so Rachel and I went a long and Billups. To support them all :D OMFG Rachel said something about Sam when he was on stage sooo fucking loud, that people who we're sat round me, turned round and grinned. Then turned round and his dad was fucking looking at me -.-2 Yeah, just gonna take it that he knows I fancy his son like fuck haha 

Yeah, so he kept poking me when he was sat next to me, and when he was sat behind me he kept putting his can of coke on my leg and asking if it was cold haha. But it all went good in the end and really enjoyed it and everyone did wonderful. Apart from someone on our course blowing up the speakers -.- Trust us lot to do something like that haha. 

But got three hugs at the end of the day so I ain't complaining and he was asking for them, so BOOOOOOOM! Haha, got a cuddle into his chest then another like deep in his neck, mmm was warm and smelt lovely haha. Then he was texting me saying that he didn't get a hug and stuff haha. 

On the same day, cause I had to go and be home for 6:00pm cause I was sleeping at Sam and Charlie's. OMFG they are sooo annoying when they find stuff out haha. Was texting Sam all night and they we're both "JUST TELL HIM!" and "TEXT UPDATE!" So they sat reading the texts so they could see where I was, then somehow Jake found out that I liked Sam. So I was playing dumb and he just went "Emma, please I know. It's clear" -.-" 

So in the end...I told Sam that I liked him. And he text back, quite sometime after saying "It wasn't that bad was it? And anyway, what's to say I don't like you? :) xxx" :D I died haha, so yeah haha. Then was talking to Jake and he sent a message back saying something like "Sam just told me he said yes to me asking if he liked you" Soooo pretty happy haha. 

Aww he sent me a text this morning saying, "Morning :) xx" Boom made my day, been speaking to him since...11:00am all the way up tp now which is 11:00pm haha. So basically all day through texts :') Happy happy happy! 

I have honestly done nothing for the past month but fucking smile, laugh and giggle. It's truly the best feeling in the world! And I'm so happy that I feel like this because it's WONDERFUL! I haven't felt like this in a while and I definitively haven't felt this happy. I LOVE IT!! Haha :')

I dunno what else I can say, apart from I'm going to the caravan with Aileen tomorrow till Thursday, got the party on Saturday and maybe Sam might be coming haha, Jake may drag him along. Also Might be seeing Sam on Friday but I have no idea yet, still planning that one haha. Ville explains how I feel right now haha, and also the one of Barney dancing :') 

So yeah, probably won't be a post for a while, till after the party probably ;) So I guess I'll let you know what happens then haha. Sooo gonna be fucking late tomorrow and fuck no's how I'm going to get to Doncaster in time for 12:00am haha, well Pm xD

Night All!!! :D xxx

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