Friday 4 November 2011

Oh Make Me Over, I'm All I Wanna Be...

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while.

But first off I'm going to have to have a massive fuck off rant, because I hate Lewis's dad so much, and I really do wish that it was Him that died instead of his mum. I don't really give a shit who See's this because he's just been pissing me off.

He's a selfish cunt, who only thinks of himself, he doesn't give a shit about Lewis and even his sister. Cause she's stressed out about her wedding yet he doesn't give a shit, Lew's upset about his mum yet his dad still pisses off to a different country on a 'holiday' for two weeks and hardly leaves him with any money or food in the house.

He's an insensitive bastard and I fucking hate him, WITH A FUCKING VENGEANCE!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Lewis was supposed to be coming to mine tonight, he had band practice and it finished at 9:00pm. But Lew's dad knew that he was coming to mine, yet he doesn't offer to give him a lift to mine.
So when I asked him if his dad was working the next day he Say's "No" so I was all "Oh right, can't he give you a lift then?" And his reply was "He's had a drink" So I said "Did he know you we're coming to mine tonight?" and Lew said "Yes"...

"YES!!" His dad knew he was coming so he has a drink so he can't take him, so now Lew is waiting at the bus stop in Hillsbrough on his own at 11:18pm at night, where someone got stabbed last month and his dad doesn't give two shit's if his son is okay and if he got stabbed he wouldn't give a fucking shit.

I mean, what kind of parent is that?! Wanker, I fucking hate him! And it pisses me off how everyone thinks he's a saint still, Lew's all "Oh he's my dad" If he was my fucking dad and he did that I wouldn't want anything to do with him. C.U.N.T!!

But yeah, that's my rant over because I'm happy now xD

College has been great this week, many laugh's been shared. Then on Wednesday I went to school to help out in woodwork with Mr Williams cause this chick needs extra help cause she turned up halfway through the year, she's nice though. Lovely person but very shy :)

Thursday caught the bus from Handsworth to Dinnington to spend time with my Nanan and Granddad which was wonderful. Had a really nice time and will be doing it again next week also :) I love my Nan and Granddad so much, words just can't describe. There so sweet and lovely, don't know what I'd do without them :)

Then on the same day we went to Bonfire night at Bev's which was okay until Sam's mates came over who we're complete assholes. I was being nice to them and everything! Saying Hello and the lot yet they just ignored it and ignored me for that matter so they can do one. Whores.

Then finally, today me and mum went to see the film Contagion which was awesome by the way. It makes you think though, it's one of those thinking films, yet it was good and would go and see/watch it again, but I don't know if I would buy it on DVD. But it was nice to spend time with my mum :)
There was an advert for a new film with Johnny Depp in called The Rum Diary, and omg it looks piss funny xD Really need to go and see that when it comes out.

And now Lewis is finally at our house, since his dad was a bastard. He's pissed me off a right load. Dickhead. We are now sat downstairs watching Oceans Eleven, but it's a bit shit if you ask me. But then again, I haven't watched it from the beginning and only halfway through. So I have no idea what is happening right now.

Oh speaking of which, in that new Johnny Depp film, there looks like there's a rather sexy sex scene in it hehe...What? A girls got to have a mind. Plus I am 17, nearly 18 haha.

Night all!
Emma xx

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