Friday 30 March 2012

Your Love Alone, Is Not Enough, Not Enough, Not Enoughhhhh!

My fucking mood right now....

I have just possibly had the greatest day on earth, in all it's history at college haha. It was just...magnificent. Haha though I probably should tell you what happened throughout the week before this one lol. Cause I do mean to write that stuff in, but never do. 

So on....

Saturday 24th March 2012

A load of us decided to go on a walk since it was such a nice and wonderful day <3 It's been fucking sunny recently and it's been lovely, really enjoyed it :') But yeah, there was...
Me, Jess, Balf, Lennod, Bridie, Linzi, Cam, Matt and Conor. I think that's it, and we all met at Junction and decided to go on a walk to Rother Vally, since we usually do when it's a nice sunny day.

I will get this post wrote, I keep putting it off to talk to people! God damn it haha 

Have a pic of us all sat on a slide, trying not to fall or should I say slide down then thing (What she said) It was a fun day and I really enjoyed it. Just chilling out in the sun with mates and just having a laugh haha. OMFG Cam stole my phone whilst I was talking to Sam on fb and he sent him a message saying "Suck ma nipples, plz" GOD he's such a fucking wanker haha. Chased him round for ages until I stole it back. 

Then him and Balf decided to steal my coke and throw it into the fucking river thing. Bastards haha. But I think everyone is fine with each other now, as there was some fall out between Balf and people like Cam, Birdy and Roey. But all is sorted now...I think, and hope. 

Have another photo of us all sat on the slide, and being squashed and trying not to fall off haha :')

And now I shall tell you what happened throughout the week, or last week at college before we split up from college for 2 weeks off for Easter. Boom!

Monday 26th March 2012


But yeah, on Monday if I can remember. I was the only bloody chick on the course there out of 9 guys, since Aileen was ill, Nat just didn't show up. And Leanne, well...Don't really think she's coming back at all, for reasons. 

But yeah, I was the only one there and it was a good day, can't remember what really happened apart from that. Oh yeah, David and I walked to the park with Sam and Jake but they didn't stay cause there boring haha. Though I ran all the way to this MASSIVE slide, to find out that the step was too fucking high for me to get onto.

So after David finished his fucking laughing fit about my smallness, he gave me a leg up to the first step. But then I couldn't get on the next one, so he started laughing again and in the end he had to take me and his guitar all the way to the top, for me to then say that I didn't want to go on it, cause it was too high.

So in the end he decided to go down the top slide and I jumped down to go down the little slide haha. Then we went on these things and showed all the little kids up cause we we're awesome music students and played perfect music on them. Then he made a joke about me going down this baby slide, so I did. It wasn't too high haha. Then we went on the swings and stayed on them for like 30 min talking about my undying love for Sam haha. And how I would know that it's getting somewhere in life. 

Though I couldn't get off the swing and David had to stop it and grab me off cause my feet didn't touch the floor haha I fail at life. Then we sat on these spider web things and chilled until we caught the bus back. Was a good day haha. 

Though I'm off to bed, as I'm tired and I have people to text ;) I shall write more about the week tomorrow as I won't be able to from Monday onwards until Thursday haha. 


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