Thursday 6 October 2011

RAWR I'm A Dinosaur!

Hey bunnies!

How are we all this beautiful evening? Good I hope!

Not been up to much today, pretty much did the same as I did yesterday which was... Music, write, read, write, music, read, music, write, read. The only thing that has changed in that sequence would be bath haha.

But yeah, that's all i've done. Not really much to chat about let alone nothing interesting. Lew is sleeping over at Gavin's tonight, which in all honest. I'm a bit worried about, not Lewis but Gavin. Cause in my honest opinion I think he's gay, but that's just my opinion.

I don't have anything agaisnt gays, don't get me wrong, but when he's a total dick and uses people for cash when their vulnerable (a.k.a Lewis) I don't like them. Meh, that's just me.

I'm falling in love with this Spotify more and more each day. Only downloaded it on Tuesday after college and now in three days I have...299 tracks! Fucking love the thing, got new albums on it aswell like,

Kids In Glass Houses - In Gold Blood
You Me At Six - Sinners Never Sleep
Dangerous! - Teenage Rampage (Who Me and Sam saw live with Young Guns and they kicked ass! Fucking awesome)
And just a load of Crashdiet and Hardcore Superstar that I probably never would of got.

I mean I can't have them on my ipod and shit, cause I need to download them, so it's streaming it for free. I do feel bad that i'm not paying for their albums, but atleast I'm not pirating it.

Though sadly I don't know if it only lasts for 60 Days and I fucking hope it doesn't cause I love the thing to death it's my new baby at the moment lol.

But i'm going out with my aunt Angela tomorrow which sould be fun, and then seeing Lewbear later after his councelling :) Can't wait to see him <3

Oh! I've been learning Finnish today, since I'm going next year and I need to practice up my finnish. Sandra's been helping me too, making sure this site i'm using is using the correct finnish words and shit. And next time we speak, she's going to test me on the words. Decided to keep a roter and do a different section of the site for a month. So right now i'm learning Finnish Phrases for a month and oing it for 2 hours a day :) So hopefully I shall remember something!

But i'm off for the night, since I have nothing more to write. Apart from i'm dying my hair Green on Sat/Sun and that I LOVE MY MUSIC TASTE! I'm so fucking glad I listen to other music than rock and metal all the time. It would be so boring.

But I'm off, night for now!
Love Emma xx

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