Monday 17 October 2011

Let's live tonight like our last

Oh hey guys!

How are we all tonight?...Good I hope.

Today's been okay, just been a sleepy start haha. Was at college from 9am till 4pm today, which wasn't that bad. Though got it tomorrow from 9am till 7:30pm...Damn! I know right? Haha.

But yeah, it's been okay, got a new guy in our class called Tyler, who was on the Level 3/Music Tech course I think, but got moved down cause he was late all the time haha. He seems cool, just need to talk to him more I guess.

I need to get on the drums more too, I feel so ashamed! I've been on the drums, but not been on my actual drum in about 3 months. I feel so bad, it's just sitting there like 'Play Me!' I'm starting to think that I may be going out of it, I bloody hope I'm not but I'm not sure :/ Mmmm? *Sits in the corner and cries over drum kit*

There's this guy on my course and I know he possibly has problems like ADHD, but OMFG! He's so bloody annoying. You're sat in a class talking about music, and he will go completely off subject and talk about random shit like world war 2 or something and it's like.
"Dude! How is that relevant?!"  FFS he's so annoying.

Then today, he was all oh I can do tattooing and got 5 people lined up for tatts, so I just nicely asked does he have a Health & Safety thing. And he just went,
Kris: "No, but you don't need one anyways" ... O.O? <---Me
Me: "Dude, you do. What about all the needles and shit?"
Kris: "Most of the tattooists I know don't have Health & Safety"
Me: "Well there all illegal then, ain't they?"

Oh ffs, he was so annoying.

But other than that, the day has been good. On last Saturday I went to the pics with Jess and Lewis to see The Three Musketeers. Was an awesome film by the way, and just a general laugh to hang out with the best friend and boyfriend. Then on Sunday went to a party at one of Lewis's mates called Joel. Was okay, but filled with chavs everywhere, and I just felt sorry for Joel cause he tried to keep everything in order, plus it was his Granddad's and Nanan's house. Bless him, he's such a nice guy bless him haha.

But then me and Lew and some of his mates just walked off to the graveyard cause the cops ended up coming to the party over a noise complaint. So I got to know some people a bit better and made some new friends.
Was really nice.

But now I'm off to try and write some more chapters of my Winter Kiss story, and hopefully I shall get past this writers block haha.

Goodnight all, talk soon!
Love you all,
Emma xx

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