Wednesday 19 October 2011

They say I'm up and coming like I'm fucking in an elevator!!

Heyyyy guys!

Only a short post tonight/morning cause I'm really tired and need a piss really badly haha

Not really done much today, all I've done is read my Jill Mansell book, read stories on mibba and listen to music. Plus also TRY to bloody write chapter 19 of Winter Kiss. And finally, I can tell you that I finished thaf chapter.

Thing was, I thought I would be able to write it seeing as it was like a sex chapter and with my dirty mind, thought it would be bloody easy, but it wasn't! And I got so fucking irritated and frustrated that I couldn't write it. But it's out of the way now haha.

Umm yesterday at college was good, though recently I've been feeling lile shit haha. Hopefully I will feel better soon...still needing that piss by the way. My bladders going to be fucked. Best go.

Anyways as I was saying, college was good on Tuesday. We got a new guy, no ide If I've told you this already but yeah, his names Tyler. Quite nice looking if you ask me haha, but he's a cool guy.
Yeah, woke up late, missed my bus but felt like crap anways. Got in and omg my feet and ankles we're that cold, thought they we're going to fucking fall off. No joke.

So when I entered the room, there was a slight cheer cause I was there. Which I loved hehe, but cause I was freezing, Alex took his hoodie off and wrapped it round me, then Aileen gave me her's, Tyler had stripped off his hoodie and passed it me, then Aileen stole Tom's and I had that aslo. So including my jacket, I had 5 on me haha. Such sweet people abd sweet guys to that point. Love them all.

So I was warm in the end. Alex's hoodie was warm, Aileen's was soft and fluffy, Tom's just smelt like Tom and friendly and Tyler's smelt gorgeous haha om nom nom!
Then we had seequencing, Ian left for pratically nearly an hour so Aileen and Tyler decided to play catch with Popcorn chicken, Tyler has a fetish for chicken and I crawled under the tables, where Tom said that the computer monitors looked like buildings compared to my small body haha.

Then we had band practice and we had to play our cover song infront of the class, which was a bit scary but there all nice people. Aileen was shaking bless her haha. Glad I'm a drummer and at the back lol.
But David and Alex we're fine, David helped Aileen in the end singing also, which was good lol.

Dave filmed us playing our cover and our origional song and we have to listen to them when we're next back. Off for a week now haha, going to get boring, though next Thurs I'm going to Damons with the family and Lew as a small joint birthday with George and the family. Then I've got my Halloween party on the 29th which I have a strong feeling that people haven't got their invites on FB...fucking thing!

But I'm off to bed now haha, very sleepy, didn't even mean to write that much, haha was supposed to be a quick post! Oh well, I have Learn My Lesson by Young Guns on repeat haha.

Nighy guys. I'll speak soon!!
P.s. Have a sleepy photo of Gustav

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