Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Spiderman Comes...

That awkward moment when you go to a gig and there's a burlesque part that you didn't even know about, so three women start stripping off in front of you until there just in a thong and tit tassels and you're there like..

See! The No cat agrees with me here, but yeah, weird post I know. I was just listening to Lullaby by The Cure and it was the song that the chicks stripped too haha. Thought I would post an awkward moment haha.

Today and yesterday even, I've been off of college cause of the flu *Awwww* I know xD But I'm better now, just got mouth ulcers and a bad cough but other than that I'm cool. Bit bummed that I missed college, but then I wouldn't of been able to go to meadowhall to get some shit that I wasn't expecting haha.

Like, this cardigan I'm wearing now, it's cute and I love it. Only from Primark like but it's nice. This ones brown then bought a jumper and that's dark purple, then bought some heels at £5! Bargain I know, they were originally £35, then reduced to £25 then reduced even more down to £5. In size 2 so I bought them, well mum did. I mean there a little tight at my toes but for only £5, there a bargain! Woop

Alex and Jack agree haha. Though Nan has been in a mood today, bitching at me at EVERYTHING I said, but it's part of the illness I spose' >.< Been a good day though non the less. Then I wrote another chapter of Winter Kiss. Only got 2 more to write now, then I can start my Spencer Reid story WOOP.

Speaking of Criminal Minds, I've got Season 6 recorded and just watched Episode 20, but then it hasn't recorded Episodes 21 & 22 but then skips straight to 23 then starts recording Season 1!

So now I'm going to have to search for episodes 21 and 22 aren't I? Ugh, Sky TV fail.
On the good news just dyed my hair purple! Yes purple!!! Woooo, so happy now. On the bad news my eczema has decided to play up on my neck, so now I look like I've been scolded with hot water constantly #Fail.

Other than that, I have no idea what I've done, I know that I have wasted 9 hours of my life watching TV yesterday. But they were great channels, I shall list in order what I watched...

Criminal Minds x 5 Episodes
Stella x 2 Episodes
Mad Dogs x 1 Episode
Skins x 1 Episode

OMFG SKINS!! It made me fucking cry so much, it was so sad, Grace died and Rich was trying to get in touch with her but she was already dead, so he was talking to her ghost. The he started crying, omfg when men cry Jesus Christ, it's so sad and makes me cry so fucking much.

But I'm off now to do some reading, laters!
Emma :P xx

Saturday 28 January 2012

It's Not Over Tonight...

Hey guys!
Not been on here in a while, I know. I've been meaning to come on, but the day's I was I just couldn't be bothered to haha. Look at that photo, I look and feel so shit right now, so excuse the horrible ill photo of myself. So I'm drinking lots of juice instead of pop, eating soothers and got lots and lots of tissue haha.

I haven't been up to much since I last spoke to you guys, I found out about the amazing TV program called Criminal Minds, which I am now hooked on. Simply because it has an amazing cast, but mostly because of this man...

Boom, he's bare sexy xD Called Matthew Gray Gubler and plays Spencer Reid in Criminal Minds. I hope to god that this post does not go on the Internet now, that would be so fucking bad xD But yeah, that's all for the latest "Thing" I guess.

In other news, went to see All Time Low last Monday, which was fucking amazing! Went with Jess, Lennod and Bridie then saw Leanne from college there also. So it was all good, we were in the crowd but me and Jess got felt up by some chicks, so we decided to run away and to go the Balcony instead since that was the safest option. I would post pictures of ATL but there all wank so there is no point really haha. Though I do have videos which are okay I guess. They always put on a great gig and I love every moment of it, Oh Natalie and Nadine went too! Haha but didn't see them, thoughI saw Leanne singing her heart out to Remembering Sunday, which for the first time ever, I didn't cry to. I got teary eyed, but that's it! I'm quite proud, since I cried the last time they played it live haha, but no one knows that.
Oh yeah, we forgot to take a picture of the sign out front on the Arena, so we asked the bus driver if we culd run up to the O2 and if she could wait for us and she fucking did. She is a legend!

Other than seeing All Time Low, I haven't done much. Just college and that shit haha, slept over at Jess's last night which was a laugh and finally got her to also like Matthew Gray Gubler haha. Went to Meadowhall and had a walk around there, then had a right laugh on the bus on the way back.

And now I am listening to music whilst trying to stay awake and write more of Winter kiss. Only got 5 more chapters left and then I will be done until March, then start writing it again haha. Lew is sat behind me watching Mrs Brown's Boys. Such a funny program.
"I can take anything, like wine and 3 laptops and know one will know" xD So funny

But I'm off, I'm fucking shattered. Night!

Thursday 12 January 2012

I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret

Dun dun dun,

On on the bus on the way to Lew's right now as I speak. Huh? I know right! I was supposed to be going to his today anyways, and completely forgot until I remembered about 30 min ago.

I got a text asking if I was still coming to his, so I said yeah and would set off as soon as I've had my tea. So here I am! On the bus to Lew's.

Though he said that he had been shouted at all day, and been in arguments all day. I don't know who with cause when I asked he said he would tell me when I got to his. I also asked why he'd been shouted at and having arguments but yet again, he replied saying he would tell me when I get to his :/

So now I'm quite worried about it, cause it could be about college, his mum or hos family or maybe just his dick of a dad. Like I've said before and I'll say it again, I hate is dad with a GIANT passion. He makes Sally look like a saint. And that's saying something.

I just hope that he's not been hot or anything. Cause then I will really loose my shit and get angry at hia dad. *Sigh*

On another note, nan's condition is getting worse day by day and I really don't think granddad will be able to look after her much longer. But I'm not going to speak about that, as I will burst out crying on the bus.

To a happier note, thanks to Lew I have been introduced to an amazing program called Criminal Minds and I think i've fallen in love with it. There's a dude in it called Matthew Gray Gubler and he's just sexy haha a bit like Ville. Nom. There's also a guy called Shemar Moore...I think and he's sexy too haha.

But I'm going to go now,
Emma xx

Friday 6 January 2012

When She Was A Girl, She Expected The World

I was supposed to be going to Lewis's tonight, but I texted him asking him if he could come to mine, because we're going out tomorrow to KFC (Don't laugh) with Aileen and her boyfriend Nahil (Think that's how you spell it?)

But he texted me back saying that he was at band practise and then he's going to his mates to get drunk, when we already planned last week that I would go to his. I mean I know I changed my mind but it would just be quicker and cheaper to get to Rotherham tomorrow if he stayed at mine tonight and I stayed at his tomorrow. But no, he decides to bail on me and piss off with his mates.

He knew that we had made plans and also he said that he would be having practise on Sunday. But now he's having it Friday and Sunday, which means I only get to see him on Saturday, one day out of the full fucking week. He's seen his mates all this week.

It's just made me feel like I'm not fucking wanted, he promises shit and we plan stuff yet he just blows it over and then it never happens, so whilst he's out having fun and getting pissed with his mates, whilst I'm sat at home doing fuck all. Clearly he doesn't want to see me and when he does he just says "I do want to and I'm really sorry" ...

But you're not though Lewis, because if you were truly sorry, you wouldn't of bailed on me, and if you really did want to see me, you wouldn't of made other plans and fucked off with your mates. And He will call later after his practise and just go,
"You okay love?" All happily, yeah feeling just peachy since my boyfriend just bailed out on me. You fucking cunt.

Then I'll shout at him saying how pissed off I am, he'll say sorry and I'll say but your not cause you wouldn't of done it otherwise, and then He's just tell me to fuck off and put the phone down on me, and switch his phone off cause he's a cunt. Then he'll call later in the morning all pissed out of his face saying that he's sorry. And root it back to something, when it's not that thing at all, it's just him being a general dickhead.

I'm that pissed off I could cry right now. How come when I always have a nice day it usually get ruins by something like this? I bet he doesn't even call actually, knobhead.
*Le sigh*

On a different note, I've been to town with Chelsea today, which was good to catch up. Blue Banana is fucking empty as hell, hardly any stock at all. Then went to Primark and got  a new bra, thank fuck for that, needed one right bad haha.

The brother (George) has been writing a book recently, just starting it actually but it's really good. I mean, it's better than the stuff I've been writing for years haha. Really proud of him none the less though, it's nice to think that my brother has wanted to do some writing for a while but he hasn't had the courage to write it down. But I encouraged him to do so, and now he's on his 2nd double sided page already, not much I know but it's something.

So I treated him and bought him a book of paper to write his story in so it's not all on scraps of paper. Didn't cost much, about £1.99. Then placed  a sticky note on the front saying..

"Bought you a book for your writing. Keep at it! Love, Emma xxx :)"

Then left it on his chair in his room, so he would see it. He's just come in to say thank you, I love him so much, even if he doesn't know it. I do and I'm so proud of him :)
Really hope he carries on writing it.
And then I bought a small book for me to do all my banking stuff in and that's about it.

But I'm going to go now, and try and do some writing, hopefully that will cheer me up, if that doesn't nothing will.

Emma xx

Wednesday 4 January 2012

The TV Cat

So the dog (Harry) starts barking, because either one of our cats are fighting with another cat outside cause he's over protective of them both. So he keeps barking and barking, then starts barking though the cat flap, so I went downstairs to check.

Turned on the living room light and there, sat on top of the TV was a black cat, hissing at Harry. I couldn't believe it, I actually thought my eyes we're playing tricks on me at first, but then actually it was real and I was like..Oh Shit!

Me: "Dad! There's a fucking cat on top of the TV!!"
Dad: "What do you mean there's a cat on top of the TV!?"
Me: "I mean there's a fucking cat, on top of the fucking TV!!"

So dad came downstairs and he was like..

And I was like "Told you!" So dad tries to get the cat but it jumps down and runs towards the door, and just sits there hissing at dad and Harry, then Harry barks and tries to get it but it hisses and scratches his face, but he didn't whimper or anything and still tried attacking him. So then the cat literally jumps and climbs up to the top of the door, no fucking joke. Then dad just opens the door and nudges him outside. So I was like...

Then Harry's nose was bleeding so dad and I had to try and hold him still whilst we stopped the bleeding, and it eventually did in the end it's just a bit red and sore now. Bless him.
Next minute we try to get Marmalade and Biscuit in because there too scared to come inside, but they came in. They both hind under the table scared shitless, then Biscuit runs up the stairs to my brothers room (His cat) as Marmalade jumps onto the kitchen counter and just looks at me all sad. So I give him a cuddle and then he's fine, check both cats over to see if there hurt and their both fine :)

Then sat down with Harry for a bit to calm him down, but all is good and restored again the the Steers household. Harry's on the bed with dad now and wont leave him alone and I think both the cats are upstairs hiding :) All is good and calm once again...Although, with this fucking wind I feel like it's going to blow the tree down on the front then it will smash my window and kill me D: Hope not. Off to do some reading, laters!

sexyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!....I have a friend called Gerald btw xD ...I don't really :'(

Though I do feel a little sad for the other cat cause he was probably only looking for a place to stay out of the wind, if his people had locked him out. If he was nice, he could of stayed with us for the night. :/ Huh?

Emma xx

Monday 2 January 2012

A Turn For The Thinking

So I have decided that serious posts shall be posted in itallics. If that makes sense? It's 12:43am in the morning and I cannot get to sleep, even if I was forced to.

So I decided to come on here and write a blog post, to clear my mind in the process of this blog post and hope to god that it will get me somewhere. What if I'm starting to have Insomnia? But then again, it's probably because i've been off from college on xmas holidays, and I've just been going to sleep at god knows what hours into the morning and waking up in the afternoon around 2am.

But anyways, recently I have been having a change of heart in what I want to do exactly in my life. I had decided on doing something with music, and had all of that set out for me. Going to college for 3 years then studdying at univercity if I got accepted.

Though, like I said, I've been thinking about different paths on where my life will take me. For a while now (about 2 months) I have been thinking about doing writing instead of music. I've always dreamed of writing a book of my own but I've always had the trouble with it. But recently the stories I have wrote at the moment are getting a great responce from online readers, I just cant make myself stop writing!

Be it on the computer, lyrics, stories, letters anything! I have sadly started to play the drums less and less and do writing and reading more and more so I don't know what my path is anymore. It was drumming and music for my life choice and writing as my hobby, but now I'm not so sure if writing has become my life choice and music my hobby. What do I do?

*Le sigh*

So from this day forward, I shall challenge myself to do both tasks, starting with music by day and writing by night. I will buy a new wad of paper and some pens that shall be only used, strictly for my writing purposes. I will let you know how I get on. Or I may open up a blog just for that. Who knows!

It all started when I watched a JK Rowling unofficial biography on tv today, her struggle in life, and to who she is now and where she got to, just by writing has encouraged me to try and do so myslef! I am now very determined and won't give up till the end of the year. I shall set myself a deadline to write a small book of some sort, and when I'm done, I shall post it on here!

Till next time,
Love Emma