Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Spiderman Comes...

That awkward moment when you go to a gig and there's a burlesque part that you didn't even know about, so three women start stripping off in front of you until there just in a thong and tit tassels and you're there like..

See! The No cat agrees with me here, but yeah, weird post I know. I was just listening to Lullaby by The Cure and it was the song that the chicks stripped too haha. Thought I would post an awkward moment haha.

Today and yesterday even, I've been off of college cause of the flu *Awwww* I know xD But I'm better now, just got mouth ulcers and a bad cough but other than that I'm cool. Bit bummed that I missed college, but then I wouldn't of been able to go to meadowhall to get some shit that I wasn't expecting haha.

Like, this cardigan I'm wearing now, it's cute and I love it. Only from Primark like but it's nice. This ones brown then bought a jumper and that's dark purple, then bought some heels at £5! Bargain I know, they were originally £35, then reduced to £25 then reduced even more down to £5. In size 2 so I bought them, well mum did. I mean there a little tight at my toes but for only £5, there a bargain! Woop

Alex and Jack agree haha. Though Nan has been in a mood today, bitching at me at EVERYTHING I said, but it's part of the illness I spose' >.< Been a good day though non the less. Then I wrote another chapter of Winter Kiss. Only got 2 more to write now, then I can start my Spencer Reid story WOOP.

Speaking of Criminal Minds, I've got Season 6 recorded and just watched Episode 20, but then it hasn't recorded Episodes 21 & 22 but then skips straight to 23 then starts recording Season 1!

So now I'm going to have to search for episodes 21 and 22 aren't I? Ugh, Sky TV fail.
On the good news just dyed my hair purple! Yes purple!!! Woooo, so happy now. On the bad news my eczema has decided to play up on my neck, so now I look like I've been scolded with hot water constantly #Fail.

Other than that, I have no idea what I've done, I know that I have wasted 9 hours of my life watching TV yesterday. But they were great channels, I shall list in order what I watched...

Criminal Minds x 5 Episodes
Stella x 2 Episodes
Mad Dogs x 1 Episode
Skins x 1 Episode

OMFG SKINS!! It made me fucking cry so much, it was so sad, Grace died and Rich was trying to get in touch with her but she was already dead, so he was talking to her ghost. The he started crying, omfg when men cry Jesus Christ, it's so sad and makes me cry so fucking much.

But I'm off now to do some reading, laters!
Emma :P xx

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