Monday 2 January 2012

A Turn For The Thinking

So I have decided that serious posts shall be posted in itallics. If that makes sense? It's 12:43am in the morning and I cannot get to sleep, even if I was forced to.

So I decided to come on here and write a blog post, to clear my mind in the process of this blog post and hope to god that it will get me somewhere. What if I'm starting to have Insomnia? But then again, it's probably because i've been off from college on xmas holidays, and I've just been going to sleep at god knows what hours into the morning and waking up in the afternoon around 2am.

But anyways, recently I have been having a change of heart in what I want to do exactly in my life. I had decided on doing something with music, and had all of that set out for me. Going to college for 3 years then studdying at univercity if I got accepted.

Though, like I said, I've been thinking about different paths on where my life will take me. For a while now (about 2 months) I have been thinking about doing writing instead of music. I've always dreamed of writing a book of my own but I've always had the trouble with it. But recently the stories I have wrote at the moment are getting a great responce from online readers, I just cant make myself stop writing!

Be it on the computer, lyrics, stories, letters anything! I have sadly started to play the drums less and less and do writing and reading more and more so I don't know what my path is anymore. It was drumming and music for my life choice and writing as my hobby, but now I'm not so sure if writing has become my life choice and music my hobby. What do I do?

*Le sigh*

So from this day forward, I shall challenge myself to do both tasks, starting with music by day and writing by night. I will buy a new wad of paper and some pens that shall be only used, strictly for my writing purposes. I will let you know how I get on. Or I may open up a blog just for that. Who knows!

It all started when I watched a JK Rowling unofficial biography on tv today, her struggle in life, and to who she is now and where she got to, just by writing has encouraged me to try and do so myslef! I am now very determined and won't give up till the end of the year. I shall set myself a deadline to write a small book of some sort, and when I'm done, I shall post it on here!

Till next time,
Love Emma

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