Wednesday 4 January 2012

The TV Cat

So the dog (Harry) starts barking, because either one of our cats are fighting with another cat outside cause he's over protective of them both. So he keeps barking and barking, then starts barking though the cat flap, so I went downstairs to check.

Turned on the living room light and there, sat on top of the TV was a black cat, hissing at Harry. I couldn't believe it, I actually thought my eyes we're playing tricks on me at first, but then actually it was real and I was like..Oh Shit!

Me: "Dad! There's a fucking cat on top of the TV!!"
Dad: "What do you mean there's a cat on top of the TV!?"
Me: "I mean there's a fucking cat, on top of the fucking TV!!"

So dad came downstairs and he was like..

And I was like "Told you!" So dad tries to get the cat but it jumps down and runs towards the door, and just sits there hissing at dad and Harry, then Harry barks and tries to get it but it hisses and scratches his face, but he didn't whimper or anything and still tried attacking him. So then the cat literally jumps and climbs up to the top of the door, no fucking joke. Then dad just opens the door and nudges him outside. So I was like...

Then Harry's nose was bleeding so dad and I had to try and hold him still whilst we stopped the bleeding, and it eventually did in the end it's just a bit red and sore now. Bless him.
Next minute we try to get Marmalade and Biscuit in because there too scared to come inside, but they came in. They both hind under the table scared shitless, then Biscuit runs up the stairs to my brothers room (His cat) as Marmalade jumps onto the kitchen counter and just looks at me all sad. So I give him a cuddle and then he's fine, check both cats over to see if there hurt and their both fine :)

Then sat down with Harry for a bit to calm him down, but all is good and restored again the the Steers household. Harry's on the bed with dad now and wont leave him alone and I think both the cats are upstairs hiding :) All is good and calm once again...Although, with this fucking wind I feel like it's going to blow the tree down on the front then it will smash my window and kill me D: Hope not. Off to do some reading, laters!

sexyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!....I have a friend called Gerald btw xD ...I don't really :'(

Though I do feel a little sad for the other cat cause he was probably only looking for a place to stay out of the wind, if his people had locked him out. If he was nice, he could of stayed with us for the night. :/ Huh?

Emma xx

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