Sunday 18 March 2012

I Roll Like The Hills, Under The California Sun


So I had a great fucking weekend, even thought I was totally wasted of my fucking face and can hardly remember anything, but it was bloody insane and I loved it all. All thanks to Cameron of course for throwing an amazing party and fucking usual haha.

♫ I got a hangover, woah. I've been drinking too much for sure, I got a hangover, woah. I got a empty cup, pour me some more. So I can go until I blow up, yeah. And I can drink until I throw up, yeah. And I don't ever ever want to  grow up, yeah. I wanna keep it goin' k-k-keep it going, come on! ♫

So yeah, went at 6:00pm...I think, I can't fucking remember haha And there was hardly anyone there, but then again it did start at 7:00pm. But the docking station didn't work so we were stuck with the radio for a while, and then we decided to put Scuzz on fort he rest of the night haha. Oh my fucking god! Roey brought one of his mates called Macaulay and he's from Nottingham, Jesus christ, he was gorgeous haha. Was all punk and everything bless him, he was such a babe and he sounded like Mr. Fucking Needham haha. Love the Nottingham accent, it's so sexy and kind of posh, but it was deep and just NOM.

He's in Year 11 like, but no one needs to know that haha. Only a year younger, it could of worked if he lived closer lol. But no, lives in Notts :'( But he was sexy as fuck haha, got to sleep next to him though ;P

But yeah, everyone came sooner or later and Joel and Tom came -.- for fucks sake, we finally got music on and the drinks were flowing. We got twister out half way through the night and everyone joined in, even when everyone was totally wankered haha. Mac was the only one who played half the time as well as conor so it was all gravy. Though my head ended up in awkward positions, but honestly, I wasn't really complaining if my head was in Mac's lap haha...God I'm such a whore haha He honestly looked like that dude from the Green Day video. Told mum and she was all "Ooooooh" xD

In the process of the night, this is what happened...

1. The banister got ripped off the wall, taking the plaster with it
2. The hand rail in the bathroom also got ripped off the wall
3. I got absolutely wasted, shit faced, fucked, death in one night. Was fucking great!
4. Twister wars
5. There was a spider and snake loose
6. Macaulay is fit as fuck! I don't care if he's in Year 11 or not, I would gladly tap that shit
7. Roey, Me, Mac <3
8. I don't need anymore fucking alcohol for a long time
9. Cam vomited out of his window like a champ
10. As always, Jess cried all night over something
11. Beat Conor and Tom up cause they wouldn't shut the fuck up about bitches loving cheese on toast till 4:00am.
12. Got a grand total of 3 hours sleep
13. Wanted to grope Mac's arse so fucking bad  when he was asleep next to me haha
14. I woke up with a bump on my head, bite marks on my shoulders, bruise on my hip and carpet burns on my elbows.
15. Everyone was either upstairs in Cam's room, sat on the stairs or chilling in the living room haha.

It was so fucking hilarious when the banister fucking came off, can't believe that happened. You know it's a good party when something gets broke, someone cries and someones wasted out of their fucking head haha. Conor said it was like an episode of skins at like 3:00am. Since Mac stole my place so I cuddled up in between Roey and Mac, with my legs on Roey and my body leaning on Mac haha. Oh and Mac decided that he was uncomfey so he put his legs on my tits >.< Fuck, that pain wasn't bareable at all haha

Aww but then we all shifted again and he stole my pillow and I gave him half of my blanket since I didn't want him to freeze to death haha. OMFG I rolled over in the night and his face was right next to mine, sweet Jesus, I nearly died haha. In a good way though, so we fell asleep sharing the same pillow and our foreheads touching haha, bless him. He was such a babe. He is defo coming to the next fucking party.

It was a wonderful night, and I really needed it since I really needed cheering up badly and I feel soo much fucking better now haha. Cameron's parties are always legendary and I love them, and all the people that go to them. Apart from Tom and Joel, they have just become cunts haha. He defo needs to have another one sometime, though I don't think that will happen since the banister got ripped out of the wall haha.

Cameron Redfern:
That awkward moment when your mum looks at you
and says "Cameron, where has the banister gone!?"

Was so fucking funny haha. Though I'm off to bed now, since I have college in the morning and I'll probably be dead in a corner somewhere haha. But it's okay if I'm late so it's all gravy! Woo! Haha

Night, I've had a wonderful weekend :') I love all my friends so much, old and new :)

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