Friday 23 March 2012

Starships We're Meant To Fly, Hand's Up And Touch The Sky

Hey guys!...Look at that sexy motherfucker at the top of the post! It's Ville Valo. I'd fuck him any day haha....OOFT 

How is everyone this fine evening? I don't even know why I ask cause I know hardly any people read this thing haha. I mean, what's really that interesting about it? It's just about a chick, who talks about her sexual fantasies, a dude she has a bad crush on at college, and the amount of parties she goes to and gets absolutely wasted off her face?...

What's not to love about this damn thing!? Haha

So I need to tell you a few things, so this will be a really big post haha. So for starters..

Saturday 10th March 2012

This was fucking ages ago I know, but I never talked about it haha. It was when Jess had her birthday party at Linzi's and it fucking rocked, and before I split up with Lewis LOL. But it was fucking awesome and I just drank Sourz all night which is just basically stuff for shots, so I kind of got a bit drunk. But not badly drunk I don't think haha. But worse than tipsy, but not fucking smashed like at Cam's. Cause I was fucked at that party xD

But yeah, it was fucking awesome and I had a really great time. Roey and I just ended up playing Just Dance all night cause we're awesome and I can't remember if he slept over or not. But I remember sharing Linzi's mum and dad's bed with Lennod and Cameron. At least I think it was lennod, and Jess slept on the floor with someone else but I can't remember who it was either xD I have a video of Roey and I dancing, but it's probably tilted and shit haha.

So that video right there! Took the absolute PISS to upload. Had to go all through youtube to do it and nearly waited 2 fucking hours so I hope you all appreciate it haha. But it's so funny and Conor is just hilarious xD But it was a great night and really enjoyed it, there was some crying and some fighting but they got sorted out in the end. Even Conor felt better the morning after xD OMFG...

"Bitches love cheese on toast!" <--- Forgot to mention it on the last post haha

Which then brings me up to the start of this week which is...

Monday 19th March 2012

I don't even know if I can remember that far back actually haha, I remember buying lollies for everyone and no I actually don't know but I know it was a good day and I do remember that Sam was wearing Red jeans so it's all gravy...NO! They were Green jeans...I think. Oh I don't fucking no! haha But he looked sexy and that's something I DO remember haha. Oh! I do remember something, Sam stole my beanie and wouldn't give it me back and kept it between his legs >.< Bastard, I would of gone for it but it was too much effort, might do next time though haha

Tuesday 20th March 2012

On Tuesday we were at college again, and I honestly do remember that fucking day because it was fucking awesome! Haha I can't remember what lessons I had though, well, not all of the fuckers haha. I know I had Rockschool in the morning for ages! I'll just tell you all the good parts haha...

In Sonar Kept getting stared at and I stared back but also we talked more today than usual so it was all cool haha. Though Nat didn't like that Aileen and I were talking to Sam and Jake, but she can suck my fucking balls with her fucking death glares. Cunt!
Hahaha Tom and I were sat singing It Won't Suck Itself by Steel Panther, cause were just that awesome and cool haha.

Yeah, then later on in the day we were in Jame's lesson and  Aileen and I were talking to Sam and Jake and Nat didn't like it, clearly. But meh haha, was a laugh, then Alex decided to fucking send me a load of G's in comments on fb >.< then Jake sent me a load of A's in the messages and then Sam started so in the end all fucking four computers crashed >.< Bastards.

Then Sam and I were laughing at each other cause we had these lollies and our tongues were different colours, cause we have no life. Then everyone went and there was only Aileen, Sam and I left and we had to speak to James for a bit. And I could feel him staring at me at the table which just made me go all red. Oh! Forgot to say haha.

Was sat on Aileen's knee before all this and Sam kept piking me in my said cause I made this weird noise, then he put both of his hands round my waist and squeezed them till I started laughing. Oh sweet Jesus it was so fucking nice haha. Damn.

Then everyone left like I said so Aileen, Sam and I decided to just walk back to to college and wait outside for band practise to start. So there was Aileen, then Me and then Sam sat in this corner so then he crossed his arms and decided to poke me, so we started having this poking war between each other and he kept laughing saying I had a man chuckle so I told him he laughed like a girl. Which is true, but it's so cute haha.

Then Tom came upstairs and started to join in so I got my sticks and sat in a corner defending myself with them, and then they started poking me more, so I just Poked them back with sticks haha. I whacked them on the knee as well I think, causing pain and swearing from both of the boys xD Was funny lol

Sam decided to steal my stick, so I pressed my leg onto his and tried to get it back, which he was strangely surprised by my strength haha. Oh my legs are thicker than his, took me a while to figure out why, but it's cause I play the drums haha. Yeah, I got it off him in the end up kind of ended up on top of him a little bit :/ ... ;)

Been talking to him for the past 3 days on facebook for like 3 hours straight, trying to help him find some yellow skinnies haha, see my kind of guy haha. If he every saw this I would be soooo fucked xD
Yeah, he's a convo we had that he can't just take it  in a "Just friends" way, or it might just be me haha
Sam: Wuu2? :)
Emma: Just making some gingerbread men haha, wbu? :)
Sam: :O I want some gingerbread men!! :(
Emma: I'd give you some but youre not here, so you can't have any :) x
Sam: Well...I guess you shall have to deliver them to me then ;) x

I'm sorry but how is that just a normal friend convo, right there?! It's fucking not! Haha died and caved in lol
Hehe, but yeah, I got them back in the end and we all agreed that it wasn't going to work haha. Then had to go to practise and I was about to walk out the room when Sam went "Emma!" So I turned round and asked what and he just went "Can I have a hug?" I fucking died and I'm sure my face when bright fucking red haha. But I gave him a hug and it was a fucking proper one, not a one armed one but both arms round each other, and his face was buried in my neck and mine was in his haha. Was lovely :') Hehehehehe
Didn't get a hug off him or saw him at the end of the day as Nat dragged him off probably haha. So that was my week at college :'3


Night fuckers! I'll tell you more about my week tomorrow haha

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