Friday 9 March 2012


So this is my mood right now, haha I decided that I would post something since it's the 30th post...damn haha And also that I have some stuff to tell you, but I'm going to do it quick cause I cba to type it all out. I may type some stuff though if I can't find the gif for it haha.

Okay, starting with College 5/3/12

Don't think I can really remember much from Monday at college, haha Oh yeah I do. Sam kept staring at me, and I wore make up that day as well, cause Lew had done my head in, so I decided to doll myself up for once in my life. So yeah, Sam kept looking at me and I was all...

Then at the end of the day we were all sat in the common room just chatting until Nat decided to pop up the question about masturbation, so she was asking all the chicks there. ..Which consisted of Aileen and Myself cause Leanne had ran off home. So Aileen didn't say anything and I was trying so hard not to say anything but my face went all red and Sam was just sat there staring at me. And I was all...

So yeah...that secret kind of got out :/ haha So pretty much nearly everyone on my class knows I um..huh, yeah xD Though hopefully he hasn't realised that I kind of like him a little, yet...or he might of thanks to Aileen >.< But I love her to pieces <3

Tuesday 6/3/12

Was early for college for once as bus came like 15 min early so when I got to college there was only Nat and Sam sat near the library, so I sat down on the step next to him and well just chilled, then Nat wanted me to go with her to the classroom, so she was all

"Emma, come with me" So I stood up and Sam went,
"No, stay with me" And it went back and fourth like that for a bit until he said something about his green jeans so I stayed with him haha and Nat walked off.

OH MY FUCKING DAYS! HE LOOKED SO SEXY ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY!! Just thought I would get that off my chest, I was like...

I'd do more than fucking love him ;) Ehem...sorry about that. Anyways! Yeah so I stayed with him but it was awkward as fuck haha, but nice awkward.

Oh we decided to see if I could fit into Mitchell's guitar bag at college, so they opened it up and I just scrunched myself up inside it and then they zipped it up, and I could fit inside! I am so proud haha I'll try and get a pic off someone haha.

Had Sonar, Aileen and Alex decided to play a game of see how far you could push Emma on a spinny chair. Kept getting stared at by Sam in Rockschool in the morning, we swapped seats haha. SEXUAL TENSION, WE CAN BOTH FEEL IT!!!! Sorry, it was appropriate and I'm listening to Steel Panther haha.

It's probably all just in my head really haha, but when he Say's "Dirty Bitch" Oh sweet Jesus...I "cave in" big Aileen would call it haha. But anyways, I found out what band I'm in for our Current Event's project and I'm with fucking Kriss! >.< Bollocks

 I'm also with John, Mitchell and Tyler but Ty is never here so James will fill in for us. I love John he's a babe, Mitch is okay he's just big headed and wants to do everything his way. fuck no's how he's going to be a Session Musician haha. But he threw a paddy and ended up getting kicked out by Dave where everyone shat themselves thinking they were going to die haha. It was so scary, but he was a;; "I've already been with all them" and getting all mardy and I was like...

Ahahaha I got a hug off Sam at the end of the say and it was like a one armed hug, but I was like really in his chest and he felt wonderful haha I was all...

Wednesday 7/3/12

Had band practice in Rotherham with Aileen and David, which was good but we kind of failed cause we didn't know anything really and it all just disappeared. Kriss was there again like he always is, fucking everything up...cunt...

How we all were on that day, then went back to Aileen's cause I slept over and it was just such a laugh haha. Pretty much ended up about Sam, how I kinda decided that Andy Sixx was OKAY (only okay) without make-up and just how awesome Aileen's mum is haha She's a babe. Everyone in her family is, and I am truly happy that I have found her as a friend, don't know what I would do without her haha :')

That gif explains how Aileen and I dance at college haha. We then ended up going to see Harry's band play who were fucking awesome, then he came back to Aileen's with us and we just sat and watched music for a bit. And Aileen's mate Jay came, then Harry went later on cause he had work, only realising that he had keft his bus pass. Haha then I watched Saw whilst Aileen fell asleep ang laughed whilst in sleeping haha. Don't know why I didn't watch it before, I really don't haha.

Lol Harry came in the morning to collect his pass and we were all cuddled up in bed haha.
"And the little one said"..."Good morning!"...I fail at life in the morning haha. Then took a walk to asda and saw Jake so was speaking to him for ages and then I ended up coming home.

Friday 9/3/12

Which takes me to my where abouts now, because I told my mum and dad that my phone was going to die and I couldn't call, said I would be home in the afternoon. But didn't get home till 9:00pm at night, so they were soooooo pissed off when I walked through the door, that pissed that dad had called around everyone who then called everyone else, he was nearly crying and he didn't want to speak to me and told me to get upstairs. And he had to call the police back because he had called them and reported me as a missing person....FUUUCKKKK.

So I wasn't aloud to go out with Jess for her birthday meal tonight, and I'm grounded for all of next week. BUT! I may have gotten round my mum and dad to let me go to a party tomorrow so it's all gravy! :D

So all should be fine and I'm in a happy mood, had a great week with EVERYONE!! Haha
Byeeee xxx

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