Saturday 31 December 2011


Okay so I know it says it in the title but I just want to write it again, but in big colourful style!! Haha


I can't believe that it's 2012 already, I mean it only seems just like yesterday, that I was sat at Lew's house counting down towards 2011. And that year has flown by it really has, I just can't believe it's gone that fast.

I have some new years resolutions for 2012 that I shall hopefully stick to and they will happen :)
1. Learn to stop sucking my thumb (I know it's bad that I still do it but I don't give a shit)
2. Go on the drums more, like 3 times a week :)
3. To stay with Lewis up to 20th September, and be together for 3 years.

So hopefully those will happen, but me and Lew have been fine recently which is good and I'm happy about :D

I had a great 2011 and met some wonderful and new people and I'm glad I did. It was very fun and I can't wait for 2012 to really start. It's been full of smiles, laughter and not really that much tears if I'm quite honest haha, but it's been great. I've found out I'm not allergic to some Lush products which is amazing, I've finished my first Book Challenge and completed it. So now I need to set myself a new goal for 2012.

I hope that 2012 brings much more for me in life, and for everyone in my life. I wish the best for my family and friends, Lewis and his friends and Dawn Of A New Day. I don't know what else I can really so, I'm just hoping you the best of your start to the New Year!

Love Emma :)

Thursday 29 December 2011

Lost In You, And I Can't Find Myself Again...


So in the end my dad ended up coming to pick me up, because I couldn't be assed to wait any longer for her. Which I felt bad about cause before I went dad was all "I'm going to bed at 10:30pm so if you decide you want a lift, it will have to be before then" - So I ended up calling dad at 11:30pm out of desperation cause I cba to wait anymore, even though Shaun's mum was giving me and the chick a lift back, but I knew that some shit would kick off if we were both in the car and I said I was going home.

But yeah, dad came and picked me up (Love him to death) and I just ended up going home and feeling sorry for myself haha but I did write up a new chapter of Winter Kiss, it was kinda shit but ah well.


So today, I was supposed to go to Town with some friends, but they bailed out on me too cause apparently it was "Raining too much"...Was it fucking balls! The only time it rained was when I was waiting at the bus stop at the bottom of the road, and that was just drizzle. It was fine when I got off the bus in town and was there for a good hour and 30 min and it didn't rain once! Then when I got off the bus when I was home it started to drizzle. DRIZZLE!
Oh my days, I couldn't believe it when they text me saying that, I was like

But meh! I still fucking went to town, was I balls going to miss out on a Lush 50% off in store, ha! Yeah recently I've found out I'm not allergic to some of their stuff and it actually helps my eczema. Which I find amazing, cause all the creams I have used over the years, and Lush beats them all. How does that work!?

So now I shall post some pictures of what I bought at Lush. Was only going in to spend £2.30 but ended up spending £7.69 :O I was so shocked and I only bought 3 things! But I'm going to post what I got for xmas too, so yeah. Let's begin!..So I did take photo's but it's not letting me upload them, so I'm just going to have to use photo's off the web -__-...Never mind, turned out they wouldn't upload because I was signed in on my other gmail account -__- I'm such a retard I know. I have too many email accounts you see, pft!

Anyways, onwards!!

 So this is called Vanilla Fountain, as you can see on the packet. It's this lovely scented bath bomb, and I'm really happy because I never thought that I would be able to have anything like this, but I can now. So yay!..Though I haven't used it yet, but I can't wait to do so, bought this one today, though sadly it wasn't in the 50% off sale and came to £3.05.

This one is called 'You've Been Mangoed' and it's a lovely, fruity smelling bath bar. Which has now become one of my favourite things from Lush. It smells so nice, and it's also so soothing on the skin, making my eczema feel much better when I'm in and out of the bath. I now don't constantly itch my arms and legs, which is awesome :) Very happy with this product, makes you smell and feel fresh after, plus makes you're skin so soft :)

I love this soap so much, it's gorgeous! It's called Snow Globe and sadly they only sell it at Christmas and round about that time. The piece that is already unwrapped I got for Christmas, which was a pretty decent amount, small but decent. I didn't want to use it all up so I cut it in half, and that piece is  the other half, I still have the other haha. Smells like Lemon Sherbet sweets haha om nom nom.

The one wrapped up behind it is the one I bought today, this was in the 50% sale. I nearly died when I found out, I bought that piece. It should have been £2.95 but got it half price and it came to £1.47 :D I just wished I bought a bigger piece now cause I could of got much more the the actual price. I may have to go back and collect more, cause this won't last! Haha

This was one of the first products I purchased, well my mum did haha. I received this also as a Christmas present, along with the Snow Globe Soap. I wasn't sure on the smell of it at first, but once it gets into the water it smells fine. I only used a small amount of it at first, cause of my eczema and that. But I was okay with it, which is good and it's also very soothing. But I don't think it beats the Mango one for the skin, cause that helped wonders. Will definitely be buying that one again. But yeah, Butterball smells wonderful once in the bath, though I wasn't very good with it the 2nd time and it itched my skin a little, but I put much more in the 2nd time than I did the 1st. So maybe not as much for this one. But it's still lovely.

So that's the Lush products all on there for you, if anyone does read this though, and you do have bad eczema or just eczema in general, I do recommend these products as they work wonders with sensitive skin! (Especially the Mango ;) become very found of that one, can you tell?)

At the moment, I'm getting very sleepy haha I've been writing some more of 'When I Kissed The Teacher' which is a new original story I'm currently writing. Though this one is going at it's own pace and will hopefully become and mean much more than the ones with famous people in. I will hopefully finish it too haha. Might print it off in a book format for myself, it's not going to any publishers cause they won't like it haha. Though one day I do wish to write my own book, and one day it will happen, just you wait! :)
High hopes and big dreams!

Speaking of dreams, I think I'm off to bed now, since I'm bloody shattered! Might try and do a bit of reading haha :P
Night all!!

Love, Emma xx

Wednesday 28 December 2011

The Invisible Person

I always end up as the invisible person at parties. It's a fact.

I was supposed to be sleeping at mates, yet some how we ended up at a party, which is cool. Unless the friend just completely blanks you and fucks off with someone else, which usually fucking happens.

It was all supposed to be a fun night, but she's got pissed off her fucking face, ignoing me and by the time we get back to fucking her house, she will probably pass out, out or throw up or just cry for fucking hours. Great.

People wont stop fucking singing and it's just fucking wonderful. I just actually want to go home, but I doubt that's going to happen, if we don't go to hers soon I swear I'm just going to catch a bus or walk the fuck home. Wish I never fucking came, and just stayed at home.

It's nice to know you're always the 3rd wheel in your friends ain't it?


Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas!!

BOOM!!! It's Christmas!!
Hey guys, how's it hanging?

Well, yesterday I took a quick trip to Meadowhall to get some extra shit for Christmas...(I advise you, don't go shopping on xmas eve in a big mall, it's pointless and you will die of hotness and death haha) But yeah, got all the shopping done and finished.

Came home, wrapped my brother's present up with was a dozen on krispy kreme doughnuts, a BMTH poster for Lew, BMTH CD for Lew also but from the mother and father and some stuff from Lush for me from the mother and father. So yeah, finished all that.

Then got in the bath, had a nice soak and a bit of a read of the book, which I have nearly finished in a week! Quite chuffed with myself about that haha. Cause I've got nothing else to do really - well, I do have a piece of coursework to do for college that I haven't even started yet, which I will have to start soon URGH...

But I will get it done before I go back to college, even if it means staying up till 2:00am to get it finished like a day before I go back. I was trying to write chapter 31...YES 31!! I'm so happy and proud of myself about it haha, didn't think I would get that far in this story :D Woo! But yeah, that failed cause I had no creative juice flowing...through my mind! Ha - Perverts xD Shameful.

Um..I've bought HP&THBP on DVD which was only £4.99 from HMV. Which is a bargain, and then I also bought HP&TDHP2 BOOOOM! Which was only £8.49. Bargain! It's £13 at CO-OP, greedy fuckers, like they need more money! Apparently people we're cuing up to get in today :O Haha.

But other than that I've done nothing, kind of had a little argument with Lew which sucked, and just made me feel like shit all day and worry about it. But it's all sorted now, it was one of those things that it's like their fault but then they switch it round to make it sound like you're fault then make you feel bad -__-

See! Alex agrees, good boy. Seeing them in January!! AHHH omfg going to be epic, then seeing YG in February WEEE haha. First two gigs of 2012...Haha had to think about writing that at first, nearly wrote 2011 :P

But I'm off to bed, seeing as I have to wake up at 10:00am in the morning to open presents, which I'm happy about, but also going to be really tired, but I suppose I can hopefully get wasted..and if not, get wasted on New Years haha. Oh shit, best make some New Year's Resolutions :P

Gotta have a bot of Barney on this blog haha. But yeah, I'm off to bed as I'm starting to loose focus of my keyboard and my mind also. Since is 2:02am
Oh I finished work all together now! :'( But that's another story to tell another day.

Night all, hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and new year, love you guys..if there actually any followers or readers xD Possibly not Emma, you're just writing to yourself here haha.

Emma xx


Sunday 18 December 2011

Drug Run? Or Just Screaming?

Hey guys,

Okay, so this post is going to sound really weird, but I needed to blog it because something just isn't right at the bottom of my road.

So I was just in bed reading when all of a sudden these high pitched screams start from the bottom of the road. Women screams.

At first I though it was someone just pratting around, like they usually do, cause there morons. But then they didn't sound like joke screams, and I didn't hear any laughter after.

So just wondering, I look out my window and see a chick run across the road and down this path onto the housing estate at the bottom of the road. Then there was a white car parked, and a guy, like a meter away from it placing something on the floor.

At first I thought it was a dog, lile he was going to hit it or something, just stopping cause it needes to do business instead of going in the car. Or he was just leaving it there in the cold. But then he got in the cat again and it speed off down the road.

So I went downstairs to check and get a better look to see if it was a dog, when in fact it was a cardboard box. There was a guy stood facing my direction looking straight at me as I was looking out the window, to see what was happening.

Next minute the sprints it up the road and out of sight. Then a peron walked out of the bottom street, walked up the the package, picked it up and checked it, then walked back to his house.

I went back upstairs and began to read again, when I heard shouting again, looked out my window and saw two chicks walk up to where the package was dropped off, woth flashlights looking around the place for the box, moving the grass and everything. Then they gave up and walked home.

So my theory is there there has just been a drug drop off at the bottom of my road. Hmm, but I just needed to tell someone that's all.

Night xx

Saturday 17 December 2011

Well..Now I feel bad

Hey guys,

I feel bad because I was in the middle of a phone call from Lew, and he's called all the way from Africa and it just cut off in mid sentence. But I was talking and he'd called and shit like that, if that makes sense? I just feel really bad urgh -.- I hope it wasn't me that clicked end call, I hope it was like he ran out of money for the call or something, cause then I would just feel totally shocking.

He comes home on Thursday, but he doesn't actually get to his house till 1:00am on Wednesday. God, I feel awful :'( Missing him so much, didn't get to say I loved him, but he should know I already do :) To pieces. He's such a babe.

But trying to get on a good note, I had work today. Was supposed to be there at 2:30pm but miss-read the calendar and thought I was working at  5:30. But I got some missed calls and a voice message telling me that I was supposed to be on at 2:30 by Lias. So I rushed my way to meadowhall and got there as quick as I could, which was at 4:30. Was panicking so much, was nearly in tears thinking I was going to get shouted at so bad.

But Katie said it was fine and not to worry next time, she's awesome. Was on today with Chloe and Curtis :D Was a laugh and much fun hehe love them two. Was on tills all day also! Woo, then finished at 8:30. Got all my times sorted out for next last week D: Omg I don't want to leave, love it so much :'( Going to miss everyone haha

I'm working on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday next week, well if they don't cut me off some days or change the times. Hopefully they won't.

I've just finished chapter 28 of Winter Kiss and now currently writing chapter 29. Jesus, it's the most I've ever written in a story, so proud of myself. But this was only a quick update, I feel so bad about Lewbear still :'( Hope he's okay and didn't think I was mad at him or anything. Can't wait to see him on Wednesday. Counting down the days :P Can't wait till xmas either weee

But I'm off to bed, night all!
Emma xx

Thursday 15 December 2011

Welcome To Candyland...

Hey guys, long time no chat eh?

First off, my teeth feel weird o.O strange huh? Writing this blog post because I cannot get to sleep, to save my life -.- fail, I know.

Anyway some news for you all! I recently got an xmas temp job at a card shop called birthdays, and it's my last week next week :'( so bummed I won't be working there for longer, bloody love it. I should be getting something like £111 paid into my bank accot tomorrow..well, today. Wooo!

Hope it get's paid in to, since I really need to start saving for Finland now. I did have £60 in my bank but then I spent it on xmas presents. And I need to use some of my work money for my bro's present and to send presents off to different countries, which will cost a fucking bomb! Urgh, I'm never going to get to go to Finland. Damn, how many 'to' did I just write? Haha

But yeah, I'm loving work, theres sone lovely people. Well, there all lovely actually. Like Layla, Katie, Chloe, Rosie, Oliver, Sarah, Crutis and so forth! Going to miss them after :( it's given me somethibg to do this job, instead of being sat on my ass all day throughout the week. Just hope they will keep me for next year xmas temp. Earning a bit of money too!

Was on the tills all day today, was wonderful. Loved it, had a laugh as well with Layla, Rosie and katie. There all babes :) Will miss them!!!! :'( sad face.

Right now I'm trying to get to sleep, but it's epically failing. Nearly finished Cresendo book, and fuck me! What a twist and na biting book so far! Loved every minute of it. Only got one more chapter to read woo, then onto next book. I've read 7 chapters in 2 hours today, quite proud of myself hehe. Can't wait to read the rest.

I have decided that I will try and add work friends on fb, and also that whenever I need to buy a card in the future, I shall always go to Birthdays. Plus I can just pop in and say hello! :) I'm working on Sat, was supposed to be working tomorrow but I've beeb cut off -__- day off though! Would prefer to work though haha.

Lew's gone on holiday and I'm missing him so much, want someone to cuddle in bed with me
:'( he will be back on Tuesday though.

But I'm off to try and get some sleep, night all. Post soon!
Emma xx

E.g. Elf at Birthdays ;) x

Saturday 3 December 2011

Oh Sometimes I Get A Good Feeling.

Hey guys!

I know I haven't been on here in a while and I'm sorry but in all honesty, I just couldn't be assed to write a post haha. Not been up to much, was Lew's birthday yesterday and we went out to Taybarns for a dinner. Was me, Lew, his dad and his new girlfriend. Talk about fucking awkward -__- She was okay, but still. 

But you all know I hate his dad, and I think Lew knows now so...yeah :/ He told me today that if he wants clothing he has to pay for it, which is fair, but he has to pay for underwear and socks and shit like that. The fuck!? 
Right, he really needs a new coat for the winter and he's asked his dad and he was just all, "You want it, pay for yourself" - A coat! A fucking coat to keep him warm throughout the winter, it's not even that much. 

He asked if he would pay half towards it and lew pays the other half and his dad was all "No" Yet he can spend £700 on a new fucking camera for himself?! FUCKING DICKHEAD! He pisses me off so fucking much! Selfish cunt. 

<-- What my mind is like when his dad speaks RAGE!!!!

And to make matters worst, to get me pissed off even more is the fact that some people are having a party near the house, which is fair dues. But when you have been playing music at excruciating levels since 8:00pm up till nearly 2:00am. I think that's where  you draw the line and STFU!! I mean seriously, there a kids next door who are like 3, be quiet! Selfish fuckers. 

When I had my parties I turned my music down at 11:00pm, still had it playing but just turned down and then at 12:00pm I had it turned off, cause I'm nice like that. Wish I fucking had Slipknot playing till 2:00am now. Cunts. 
To make it worse they just have shitty chav music playing for 6 hours straight, on repeat! ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!

Then my mate at college just pissed me off to the max, when I was talking to him about making a band outside of college, being serious and everything. Cause the week before when I was talking to him about it, he was all "Oh yeah, that would be cool. I'm up for that" So when I said to him today about it, and starting it up after the Christmas holiday's he was all "Oh I can't" So I asked why, Then he says that he's starting to take music seriously now and doesn't want to do anything like that cause it's not something you do. Then said that he was taking his course serious aiming at me that I wasn't cause I have considered about being in a band outside of college. 

WHAT THE FUCK!? I'm sorry, but you don't think at all that you have to get into bands at college, on a fucking music course! And do gigs round Rotherham and Sheffield because that's not taking you're course serious? What the fuck we're you expecting of a fucking MUSIC COURSE? Wanker! 

I mean seriously, he tells me that I'm not taking the course seriously cause I've talked about being in a band outside of college, think that's what you're supposed to do mate. Be in a band and earn a living off gig money and shit. Alright wanker, don't talk to me about being serious when I travel an hour to get to Rotherham when you live up the road and say "CBA" to go!! AN HOUR! 2 BUSES THERE AND BACK. 

I'm sorry, what did you get on you're 2 essays? Pass?...Oh I'm sorry I kicked you're ass and got 2 Distinctions, Christ! How selfish of me, I must of not been taking the lesson seriously!

I'm off to bed, I can't be assed to do any more fucking coursework and will do it in the morning, for now I need sleep and relaxation -__-

Emma, Out! xx