Thursday 29 December 2011

Lost In You, And I Can't Find Myself Again...


So in the end my dad ended up coming to pick me up, because I couldn't be assed to wait any longer for her. Which I felt bad about cause before I went dad was all "I'm going to bed at 10:30pm so if you decide you want a lift, it will have to be before then" - So I ended up calling dad at 11:30pm out of desperation cause I cba to wait anymore, even though Shaun's mum was giving me and the chick a lift back, but I knew that some shit would kick off if we were both in the car and I said I was going home.

But yeah, dad came and picked me up (Love him to death) and I just ended up going home and feeling sorry for myself haha but I did write up a new chapter of Winter Kiss, it was kinda shit but ah well.


So today, I was supposed to go to Town with some friends, but they bailed out on me too cause apparently it was "Raining too much"...Was it fucking balls! The only time it rained was when I was waiting at the bus stop at the bottom of the road, and that was just drizzle. It was fine when I got off the bus in town and was there for a good hour and 30 min and it didn't rain once! Then when I got off the bus when I was home it started to drizzle. DRIZZLE!
Oh my days, I couldn't believe it when they text me saying that, I was like

But meh! I still fucking went to town, was I balls going to miss out on a Lush 50% off in store, ha! Yeah recently I've found out I'm not allergic to some of their stuff and it actually helps my eczema. Which I find amazing, cause all the creams I have used over the years, and Lush beats them all. How does that work!?

So now I shall post some pictures of what I bought at Lush. Was only going in to spend £2.30 but ended up spending £7.69 :O I was so shocked and I only bought 3 things! But I'm going to post what I got for xmas too, so yeah. Let's begin!..So I did take photo's but it's not letting me upload them, so I'm just going to have to use photo's off the web -__-...Never mind, turned out they wouldn't upload because I was signed in on my other gmail account -__- I'm such a retard I know. I have too many email accounts you see, pft!

Anyways, onwards!!

 So this is called Vanilla Fountain, as you can see on the packet. It's this lovely scented bath bomb, and I'm really happy because I never thought that I would be able to have anything like this, but I can now. So yay!..Though I haven't used it yet, but I can't wait to do so, bought this one today, though sadly it wasn't in the 50% off sale and came to £3.05.

This one is called 'You've Been Mangoed' and it's a lovely, fruity smelling bath bar. Which has now become one of my favourite things from Lush. It smells so nice, and it's also so soothing on the skin, making my eczema feel much better when I'm in and out of the bath. I now don't constantly itch my arms and legs, which is awesome :) Very happy with this product, makes you smell and feel fresh after, plus makes you're skin so soft :)

I love this soap so much, it's gorgeous! It's called Snow Globe and sadly they only sell it at Christmas and round about that time. The piece that is already unwrapped I got for Christmas, which was a pretty decent amount, small but decent. I didn't want to use it all up so I cut it in half, and that piece is  the other half, I still have the other haha. Smells like Lemon Sherbet sweets haha om nom nom.

The one wrapped up behind it is the one I bought today, this was in the 50% sale. I nearly died when I found out, I bought that piece. It should have been £2.95 but got it half price and it came to £1.47 :D I just wished I bought a bigger piece now cause I could of got much more the the actual price. I may have to go back and collect more, cause this won't last! Haha

This was one of the first products I purchased, well my mum did haha. I received this also as a Christmas present, along with the Snow Globe Soap. I wasn't sure on the smell of it at first, but once it gets into the water it smells fine. I only used a small amount of it at first, cause of my eczema and that. But I was okay with it, which is good and it's also very soothing. But I don't think it beats the Mango one for the skin, cause that helped wonders. Will definitely be buying that one again. But yeah, Butterball smells wonderful once in the bath, though I wasn't very good with it the 2nd time and it itched my skin a little, but I put much more in the 2nd time than I did the 1st. So maybe not as much for this one. But it's still lovely.

So that's the Lush products all on there for you, if anyone does read this though, and you do have bad eczema or just eczema in general, I do recommend these products as they work wonders with sensitive skin! (Especially the Mango ;) become very found of that one, can you tell?)

At the moment, I'm getting very sleepy haha I've been writing some more of 'When I Kissed The Teacher' which is a new original story I'm currently writing. Though this one is going at it's own pace and will hopefully become and mean much more than the ones with famous people in. I will hopefully finish it too haha. Might print it off in a book format for myself, it's not going to any publishers cause they won't like it haha. Though one day I do wish to write my own book, and one day it will happen, just you wait! :)
High hopes and big dreams!

Speaking of dreams, I think I'm off to bed now, since I'm bloody shattered! Might try and do a bit of reading haha :P
Night all!!

Love, Emma xx

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