Saturday 3 December 2011

Oh Sometimes I Get A Good Feeling.

Hey guys!

I know I haven't been on here in a while and I'm sorry but in all honesty, I just couldn't be assed to write a post haha. Not been up to much, was Lew's birthday yesterday and we went out to Taybarns for a dinner. Was me, Lew, his dad and his new girlfriend. Talk about fucking awkward -__- She was okay, but still. 

But you all know I hate his dad, and I think Lew knows now so...yeah :/ He told me today that if he wants clothing he has to pay for it, which is fair, but he has to pay for underwear and socks and shit like that. The fuck!? 
Right, he really needs a new coat for the winter and he's asked his dad and he was just all, "You want it, pay for yourself" - A coat! A fucking coat to keep him warm throughout the winter, it's not even that much. 

He asked if he would pay half towards it and lew pays the other half and his dad was all "No" Yet he can spend £700 on a new fucking camera for himself?! FUCKING DICKHEAD! He pisses me off so fucking much! Selfish cunt. 

<-- What my mind is like when his dad speaks RAGE!!!!

And to make matters worst, to get me pissed off even more is the fact that some people are having a party near the house, which is fair dues. But when you have been playing music at excruciating levels since 8:00pm up till nearly 2:00am. I think that's where  you draw the line and STFU!! I mean seriously, there a kids next door who are like 3, be quiet! Selfish fuckers. 

When I had my parties I turned my music down at 11:00pm, still had it playing but just turned down and then at 12:00pm I had it turned off, cause I'm nice like that. Wish I fucking had Slipknot playing till 2:00am now. Cunts. 
To make it worse they just have shitty chav music playing for 6 hours straight, on repeat! ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!

Then my mate at college just pissed me off to the max, when I was talking to him about making a band outside of college, being serious and everything. Cause the week before when I was talking to him about it, he was all "Oh yeah, that would be cool. I'm up for that" So when I said to him today about it, and starting it up after the Christmas holiday's he was all "Oh I can't" So I asked why, Then he says that he's starting to take music seriously now and doesn't want to do anything like that cause it's not something you do. Then said that he was taking his course serious aiming at me that I wasn't cause I have considered about being in a band outside of college. 

WHAT THE FUCK!? I'm sorry, but you don't think at all that you have to get into bands at college, on a fucking music course! And do gigs round Rotherham and Sheffield because that's not taking you're course serious? What the fuck we're you expecting of a fucking MUSIC COURSE? Wanker! 

I mean seriously, he tells me that I'm not taking the course seriously cause I've talked about being in a band outside of college, think that's what you're supposed to do mate. Be in a band and earn a living off gig money and shit. Alright wanker, don't talk to me about being serious when I travel an hour to get to Rotherham when you live up the road and say "CBA" to go!! AN HOUR! 2 BUSES THERE AND BACK. 

I'm sorry, what did you get on you're 2 essays? Pass?...Oh I'm sorry I kicked you're ass and got 2 Distinctions, Christ! How selfish of me, I must of not been taking the lesson seriously!

I'm off to bed, I can't be assed to do any more fucking coursework and will do it in the morning, for now I need sleep and relaxation -__-

Emma, Out! xx

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