Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas!!

BOOM!!! It's Christmas!!
Hey guys, how's it hanging?

Well, yesterday I took a quick trip to Meadowhall to get some extra shit for Christmas...(I advise you, don't go shopping on xmas eve in a big mall, it's pointless and you will die of hotness and death haha) But yeah, got all the shopping done and finished.

Came home, wrapped my brother's present up with was a dozen on krispy kreme doughnuts, a BMTH poster for Lew, BMTH CD for Lew also but from the mother and father and some stuff from Lush for me from the mother and father. So yeah, finished all that.

Then got in the bath, had a nice soak and a bit of a read of the book, which I have nearly finished in a week! Quite chuffed with myself about that haha. Cause I've got nothing else to do really - well, I do have a piece of coursework to do for college that I haven't even started yet, which I will have to start soon URGH...

But I will get it done before I go back to college, even if it means staying up till 2:00am to get it finished like a day before I go back. I was trying to write chapter 31...YES 31!! I'm so happy and proud of myself about it haha, didn't think I would get that far in this story :D Woo! But yeah, that failed cause I had no creative juice flowing...through my mind! Ha - Perverts xD Shameful.

Um..I've bought HP&THBP on DVD which was only £4.99 from HMV. Which is a bargain, and then I also bought HP&TDHP2 BOOOOM! Which was only £8.49. Bargain! It's £13 at CO-OP, greedy fuckers, like they need more money! Apparently people we're cuing up to get in today :O Haha.

But other than that I've done nothing, kind of had a little argument with Lew which sucked, and just made me feel like shit all day and worry about it. But it's all sorted now, it was one of those things that it's like their fault but then they switch it round to make it sound like you're fault then make you feel bad -__-

See! Alex agrees, good boy. Seeing them in January!! AHHH omfg going to be epic, then seeing YG in February WEEE haha. First two gigs of 2012...Haha had to think about writing that at first, nearly wrote 2011 :P

But I'm off to bed, seeing as I have to wake up at 10:00am in the morning to open presents, which I'm happy about, but also going to be really tired, but I suppose I can hopefully get wasted..and if not, get wasted on New Years haha. Oh shit, best make some New Year's Resolutions :P

Gotta have a bot of Barney on this blog haha. But yeah, I'm off to bed as I'm starting to loose focus of my keyboard and my mind also. Since is 2:02am
Oh I finished work all together now! :'( But that's another story to tell another day.

Night all, hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and new year, love you guys..if there actually any followers or readers xD Possibly not Emma, you're just writing to yourself here haha.

Emma xx


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