Tuesday 18 December 2012

Talking To Old Friends

So my drum teacher randomly started talking to me today which was nice. As I haven't spoken to him in ages, and well I kinda missed it.
Was nice, asked how I was and about drumming and everyone else. Though explained to him about Nan and that and why I can't go to drumming lessons anymore, and that it wasn't his fault either why I stopped going. 

How he called my ex a total dickhead and a fat wanker which I love him for saying and that he was happy that I was with Sam and happy. Told him that If I could I would come back to my lessons and that I haven't been to any other drum teacher. As I feel that they would be a total cunt and I wouldn't have that same learning and education in drum lessons with any other teacher, as what it was with Matt. 

Though he asked me some stuff which was a little embarrassing  but I don't mind cause he's not like a creep or anything he just cares and he's more of a mate tbh than a teacher so it's all good and I trust him. 

A letter came from Sandra today in the post, she sent me 4 Moomin lolly pops, which by the way are fucking awesome and taste of apples. So I've been writing back to her, just finished the 4th double sided piece of paper and decided to call it a night for letter writing for now. My hands hurt and so do my teeth! But that's not because of the writing, and I don't know what! Probably another tooth that has been pushing against it, still hurts like a bitch though! Haha

Been talking to Frankie as well,who is my cousin who lives very very far away in Lincolnshire  though she say's she's okay. Got a few problems at home and with her boyfriend but, well I would say everything is fine but it's not. 

And George has got his Christmas Ball tonight, doesn't seem like nearly two years since I left school and had my Christmas Ball! He's grown up so much and it's gone so fast, be his prom soon and then he'll be leaving! Wow, that's scary haha. He's still the baby brother though, and always will be. When I'm 64 and he's 62 haha xxx 

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Wow...It's Been A Long Time

Hello wonderful people, that is if anyone still reads this thing anymore, which I highly doubt it but anyway! On with life!

So recently I will tell you things that have been happening in my wonderful world and we'll just see where the ball rolls from there shall we? Yes? Good!

Back at college as you know, it's wank this year, bloody hate it with a vengeance haha. But today we had a gig that we have been practicing for and to be honest I thought it turned out better than I thought. But we have new Techies (Tech students) doing the sound for us and they were TOTAL FUCKING WANKERS! Honestly, they need to be slapped in the face with a fucking chair. Cunts. 

The whole story is that we did our sound check and shit like that, then we had a break where I stuffed my face with 20 Chicken nuggets (Sam stole some though, after his two cheese burgers, piggy) 

But then we had our performance to which we thought it was okay, until thick fuck techies started slagging us off through the headphones in the back stage area, but cause there retards they probably forgot that they we're still turned on and we could hear everything they we're saying -.-" Though it wasn't Franklin or Billups so that's good! :D 

But yeah to them, Aileen, Nat (Who is a bitch btw Looooooooong story, so is Jake) but yeah and some other girls are all wank singers and that they we're too nervous or something which is fair enough. I was apparently in my own fucking world, but to be fair I always am so that's really nothing new. But still fucked me off, and Sam, Tom and Jake and a fat cunt. There band and songs they played we're boring and that they sounded crap. Which they didn't, none of us did to be fair. 

But in all fairness, let's face it, techies (apart from Sam and possibly Billups) are people who have failed at being a musician and cannot play an instrument to save their lives, so they took the easy option in music and decided to press buttons and twist dials, like they would if they we're in nursery. Thick twats. 

Though, in the end James found out and listened to it all, I have recordings of it. But lo and behold! They all denied it which everyone saw coming, someone on our course had a massive go and went ape shit, and said that all they do is press buttons and don't really do much, To which Rob the dick (used to be known as technician...see where it all fits in?) stuck up for them even though he knew that there point was invalid.

Other than all the music students wanting to punch the cunts in the face and smack them in the face with a chair and possible other sharp objects. It was an okay night. 

In other news been with Sam now for 8 months and all is well and good :) Very very happy and love him very very much....he's sat next to me and say's hi (secretly, he doesn't know he's said it) And also in other news....I HATE BEING FUCKING COCK-BLOCKED SO MANY FUCKING TIMES IN ONE WEEK AND DAYS. SUCKS BALLS!

But I'm off, night xx

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Been Thinking, I Needed To Post

Okay, so I've been thinking about some stuff recently and I know what I'm going to do. It's just if I type it onto here it will make me feel better.

I've recently started thinking about...you know..with Sam. Which for me in a way is strange not as in like "Ew" strange just. A nice strange I guess. Cause I never thought about it when I was with Danny or Lewis at all. And I was with one for a year and the other for two. But I've been with Sam for a grand total of 5 months on the 10th.

There's times I really really want to with him, but I wait myself out I don't know why. Maybe because I want to be 18, not that I'm basing it around an age, but I just don't want to be one of those people who loose it at at a young age. Don't get me wrong I'm curious. Just, I dunno it's strange to explain.

But with Sam it's different. I feel more safe aroung him and more relaxed. I feel I can really trust him and that he's not like any of the others. He really isn't, and I know he will treat me right always, as I will with him.

But then Aileen goes and asks me to go with her to get a C-Card. And I thought about getting one too, but then I don't really need one cause I don't think I'm fully ready yet. Sure I've told Sam about what I think. But at the moment, I want to wait a bit longer, to be with him longer. But I would get some just to make sure and be on the safe side and there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

I mean, just cause you have some doesn't mean you have to use them. You're just been smart and safe. But if I have some stashed at the bottom of my bed in a box, it would tempt me more, and more and I feel if I did it, I would be just doing it ob impulse and because I have them. I wouldn't be doing it out of love or anything like that.

I just feel that I need to be with him longer, it's nothing to do with him, it's just me :) but I'm happy about that. I'm hapy and proud that I'm still a virgin and it doesn't make me sad or anything. You know? I'm happy I waited :) I'm really happy.

I can always get them, it's not like there dissapearing any time soon, are they? Ha! Aileen can get some but I'll just go with her. Tbh, I think it scares me a little. I would get paranoid about being pregnant or something and I don't want that at all. Or what if I did and our relationship fizzled out and died down a bit? And wasn't the same as it was before? That's why I want to be with him for a bit longer before any of that. Idk...
Just nerves and over thinking and me I guess. Hopefully one day I'll get past that and see, because I don't see it as fucking I know it sounds sad and cliche but it's love. That's what it is, and that's what I want from it. :)

Started college btw...it's wank.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Answering these questions cause I have fuck all to do

1: Picture of yourself

2: A description of my self-esteem

I think my self-esteem is quite good and okay actually, I mean I don't think low of myself or anything like that, I used to when I was bullied, but now since I've got older and learnt to not take shit from anyone, everything is good. I sometimes think I'm useless but only when I feel really shit, but other than that I think it's good. 

3: My favourite book

I have many, it's so hard to chose from. But it will probably have to be the Harry Potter books, because they changed my way of thinking and made me read so much more, made me see the magical side to things. It was just a great fantasy series and it's something that I have grown up with and always shall. They mean a great deal to me, and I will always treasure that. They also helped me to write my own stories too. So thanks J.K Rowling!

4: Biggest Turn Offs

Oh I don't know, I'm sure there are some I could think of but I don't know. The smell of smoke, smelly breath and B.O I have no clue, but it would probably be those haha. 

5: Biggest Turn On's

See, when it comes to these, I could go on forever! There's...Lip biting, neck biting and sucking, ass grabbing, pinned against a wall, wrists pinned down, hand over mouth, when men bite their lip, dirty talk, when Sam talks on the phone or in person in that voice. Ear biting, just biting in general, nails down back, thighs grabbed and squeezed, ass slapped, shoulders been grabbed.

6: Most famous person you've met

I don't know, I've met quite a few people who are famous from bands. Such as everyone from The 69 Eyes, everyone from Young Guns, Acey Slade, lead singer from The Chelsea Smiles. I've met loads of people but just can't remember them haha.

7: What I want to be when I'm older

I've always wanted to be an author, from a very small age and the be able to write a book or many books as I love to read. But it won't happen haha but I do want to do something in music, just depends on where it takes me and what I would like to end up aspiring to be :)

8: My relationship(s) with my sibling(s)

I have a good and strong relationship with my brother. We hardly every fight and we're always there for each other, if the others upset or anything. We're always there if the other wants to text y voice, message or on the phone. We know we can talk to each other about anything and always have a laugh. Sometimes we do argue but it usually gets sorted out in the next 10 minutes. All in all, it's great and I love him to pieces. 

9: Relationship status?

At the moment I am in a wonderful relationship with a lovely and perfect guy named Sam Burrows. We met at college on the same course and was friends for year before, then I started liking him and he start liking me but I didn't know haha. In the end we went on a date to the pictures two months ago and been together since! It's wonderful, he's wonderful! And lovely, beautiful, handsome, smart, kind, talented, loving, caring, sweet, generous, gorgeous, strong...he's altogether the PERFECT man any woman could have...well, only me haha. But he is and I love him so much, to pieces, to the moon and back and to infinity and beyond! More then the universe and the galaxy's combined. I love him with all my heart and always will, since he always makes me laugh, smile, giggle and always manages to cheer me up. So basically, what I'm trying to say, is that I've finally found the perfect man

10: What I did yesterday

I was at Sam's most of the day yesterday, doing coursework with him and listening to him play guitar. Then we ended up coming to mine and having a lovely time ordering Chinese and just sat talking and cuddling in my room. Though I ended up getting a little upset, but he looked after me and gave me lots of cuddles and kisses and made me feel much better and it was just a lovely night and day. Then we ends up falling to sleep, though I had to creep downstairs to sleep on the couch haha.

11: What I'm doing today

Well, I'm going to make an English breakfast for us both, since I'm nice like that. Or try to, first need to see what we have in. Then after that we're both just gonna chill and watch films or something and then we will have to set off to college to hand in our work, which to be honest is a pile of shit cause I really don't wanna do that. But then we will hand around in Clifton park or near the sweet shop for hours on end until we both have to go home :( 

12: What I'm doing tomorrow

I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow, I don't plan that far a head. My mind can't, it's too complicated for that stuff.

13: Most embarrassing moment

There have been many embarrassing moments, such as the whole thing with Mr. Needham. But one that I can remember would be when Sam and I were not going out and someone was having a discussion about masturbation and who did it....so yeah, I think you can guess the rest of that story as it was so fucking embarrassing. 

14: Description of who I like love

Well, he has long very curly brown hair that just reaches his shoulders, a tad bit longer. GORGEOUS blue eyes, there like crystals, no joke! Lovely cupid bow lips, a strong jaw and cute ears and nose. The most beautiful smile on earth and laugh and giggle. When he Say's "Nooo" In that high squeaky voice. Very very talented at guitar and very sexy. He has a beautiful personality and he's a very strong, caring, loving person. He's just beautiful and handsome all together, he's smart and has a wonderful and fantastic sense of humour which I love. He has an awesome way of dressing and not afraid to show it, he's my chameleon :) And I love him ever so much....guess what. His name is 
Sam Lewis Burrows

15: Biggest insecurities?

Probably my tummy and eyebrows, I sometimes like my tummy and sometimes I don't. But I hate my eyebrows, so much. But other than that i don't really have any haha.

16: Something I wish I could change about myself


17: I'll love you if...

I'll always love Sam, even if he becomes disabled and is in a wheel chair for the rest of his life. I'll look after him and if he was so bad, I would drop everything and become his carer. It doesn't matter how he turns out in the future because I will always love him no matter what. Because he is m world and love, and I would do anything for him :) 

18: Something I'm really good at

I would like to say writing stories, book reviews. I think I've gone down on my drumming now which isn't so good, but I'll get back up to date with it. I think I'm good at photography and art but that's just about it. 

19: Something I'm really bad at

Staying calm when I get mad, keeping an eye on cooking, music theory, maths.
I don't know what else I could put, I'm sure I'm bad at other things but just can't think.

20: What I wish for at 11:11

To stay with Sam for a long time, and for my nan not to suffer :(

21: A reason I've lied to a friend

To not upset them and to protect them and keep them safe :) 

22: Favourite Movie

I have so many favourite movies! Probably in order they would have to be...Lost Boys, Cinderella Story, The Crow, Monsters Inc. Finding Nemo and The Holiday. I have more but can't be assed to put them on.

23: Something that has made you mad recently

Kriss Davis.

24: A random fact about yourself

I still suck my thumb at 17....nearly 18.

25: Question of your choice

Do you like Water Melons? I do :)

Thursday 10 May 2012

French kiss Through The Border Fences

How's it going bitches! :D 


Jesus, I don't think I've been this bored in ages, I would much prefer to be at college all week than sit at home doing fuck all. Honestly, the most productive thing I've done all day is wash the pots with mum and hoover. Then for the rest of today's events I have rebloged random crap on Tumblr. And by random crap I mean, Ville Valo, HIM, Galaxy and space shit and porn. 

On the plus side I did my make-up today and I'm so fucking proud of it haha, done my eyes lovely, if I do say so myself. But as always, I do my make-up good when I'm not going anywhere, and then when I do go somewhere and decided to put make-up on. It FUCKS UP! To no end and looks like a pile of shit -.-"

For fucks sake, Aileen keeps asking me to go to hers. I mean, I know it's bad that since I started going out with Sam that I hardly see anyone anymore. Well no that's not true, I wouldn't see anyone anyway so there's no change there. I mean, cure I would probably go to the caravan with Aileen a bit more than I have. But I hardly see Sam, cause he's at practise from Wednesday till Friday so I pretty much only see him at college and on Saturday and Sunday. So I said that I can't on Saturday but I can on Friday so she goes "Oh you can stay on Sat if you want" and I'm just like FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!

So therefore I wont be seeing Sam on Saturday, but then again I may be seeing him tomorrow. Oh I don't even know! Guess I can see him on Sunday and then when we're at college. I don't know though may just have to see him on Sunday as I dunno what's happening on Friday. 

We have a gig on next Thursday at college, our first one so far....dun dun dun. It's all going to end badly and I don't have drums for our Current Event's song yet, so it's defo going to end badly. Though I don't get why it's our end of year performance if we have another one to do before we finish in July. Damn, that's flown by so fucking quick....


But yeah, other than that I've done fuck all, all day. So now I will bid you a-do as I am going to go and have a wonderful phone convo with Sam, eat chocolate, drink wine and then read. May possibly be posting something later though, so be warned!...

Friday 27 April 2012

When All The Lights Go Out...

Hey guys!

Yeah, this is my exact mood right now. I mean it, I'm eating chocolate as well, well it's an old Easter egg but it's still intact. Not much has been happening recently, Sam and I are still together which is wonderful and I'm so bloody happy about it. I really do love him to pieces :') Though I do have stuff to talk about, but it's not his fault in any way :)

Fuck's sake I'm so bloody bored right now, there's fuck all to do and Sam's gone to bed so can't call him -.-" Hopefully he will be awake later on through the night, if not...Then I guess I'm just seeing him tomorrow. Which brings me onto another point, since I was talking to mum about it earlier and she was all "How come you always go to his, how come he never comes to ours?" So I said "Cause he has practise Wednesday, Thursday and Friday" So there would be no point. 

Which sucks so much balls that he has practise all those day's throughout the week, which I blame Jake for and have my sad reasons that he's doing it cause he doesn't want Sam and I to spend time together, but then that's probably just me being a total bitch.

But why would you need to practise that much in a week, if you don't have any gigs until December time..I think. I honestly don't understand it. It's been like it for three weeks now and it just sucks balls cause I can hardly see him, and he hardly comes to mine because of it which sucks also. But what can you do?

So yeah, just told mum that they would be no point since he would come here extremely late and then have to get up and go at like 7 to get to Jake's in time for practise. ARGH it sucks balls, so the only way I can see him is if I stay or go to his, which isn't so bad cause I get to him :') Just wish he could come to mine more often. 

Though I'm seeing him tomorrow and then he's coming to mine on Sunday and then there's college on Monday and Tuesday. But I'm going to the caravan on Thursday with Aileen and don't come back till Sunday. I think I may die of loneliness if I don't see him, it's killed me today so how the FUCK am I gonna last 3-4 days?! D: 


I still can't believe I go out with him, like I really can't. I don't even know how he likes me but he does and it's all good. I just...I dunno, it's hard to believe that I used to talk about him with Aileen, David and Alex and now I sleep at his house and shill with him, and he's my boyfriend. It's so weird to say it, it's good, it's great and wonderful. But just strange from keeping it quiet and now, I just kiss and cuddle him and I can't believe it happened. But I'm so fucking happy about it :'D 

Trololololol when Nat gives everyone hugs at the end of the day on Tuesday and she turns to you and gives me the most filthiest looks on the face of the earth, looks me up and down like I'm filth and just stands there :') So I grabbed Sam's have and gave him a kiss in front of her then we said bye and walked off to meet his dad, BOOM!

Though she was flirting with Sam on Tuesday morning in Andy's lesson which pissed me off to no fucking end, so I ended up walking around Rotherham Town with Aileen and David screaming and shouting and swearing, cause it pissed me off so fucking much. But in the end I decided that it shouldn't since, I'm with Sam and not her. I get to kiss him, cuddle him, touch him and all that crap. NOT HER! So all is good and I'm fucking happy about it, she can flirt cause at the end of the day he's mine, I go out with him and I get to do, what she fucking can't! BOOM! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT THE FUCK BACK DOWN BITCH!! :D 

Oh fuck, I'm in such a happy mood, but there's fuck all to do. Probably should of saved that bath for tonight, could of passed some time then, bollocks. Might write some lyrics or something. Was gonna do some writing earlier, but just can't be arsed with it at all xD

Miss Sam so much though :'(

Oooh meant to go the pics with Balfour yesterday, but missed the film so we went bowling instead and it was fucking awesome! :D I won a game, and so did he, I'm quite proud of myself for that. Then we went into the arcade and prated about there, and then went to burger king :P Was a lovely night :) Oh yeah, there was a dude that was on the tram and he didn't have any socks or shoes on, and he just casually got off and walked to Cineworld... Hmmm

Ummm....What else can I tell you? ....Oooh Lennod's birthday tomorrow and she's having a party FUCK!!...I haven't got her anything. Oh bollocks, be okay she can have some money and a card or something :) Sorted. 

Dear...GOD! He looks like a paedophile xD Oooh went on the drums today after a while of not playing, I was fucking shite! xD

But I'm off now, since I have fuck all to do, but will find something to do. You never know, I may fall to sleep or just eat chocolate for the rest of my life and read a book until I finish it :P BOOM xD 

Bye Bitches! xxx  

Thursday 19 April 2012

Girl, I'm Just A Jeepster For Your Love

Would like you all to take a moment to look at this picture. You know why? Cause it's Sam and I. Oh yes, we go out and have been for two weeks nearly...I think haha. So I guess I have SHIT LOADS to tell you all. Your Ready?..

Right, can't remember the actual date cause it was last week sometime but yeah. We've been talking to each other for ages since I was at the caravan with Aileen, then got  back and we planned to go to the pictures together. I have never been so fucking nervous in my whole fucking life -.-" But yeah, we went to watch....um...21 Jump Street, and I grew  the balls from somewhere *As David and Cameron both said* And turned and kissed him on his cheek, since we had been cuddled up and staring at each other for a while. 

So I turned round after I did that, then he said "Come here" and lifted my chin up and we kissed! :D Then we decided to go out, walked to Meadowhall hand-in-hand and ended up at BHS cuddling on a couch, which now we have been thrown out of, for lounging around on every couch possible in the store haha. Was wonderful :') 

So since then everything has been great, all is well in my world right now and nothing could be better. Apart from when you just chill and cuddle with Sam and listen to T. Rex cause that's just kick-ass! Haha Such a lovely time :) 

Just ate some special fried rice...thought that was needed to be honest haha. I honestly don't think he could get anymore sexy, apart from Jeffery, cause...well, he's my second lover xD 

Though, onto a different note. Nat and Jake have changed so fucking much and I'm pretty sure Nat hates me cause I go out with Sam. So Aileen, David, Alex and Rachel have come to the conclusion that she fancies Sam, and she hates me cause I go out with him -.-" Bitch. 

So I'll take you all the way back to the beginning with Nat. Last week, when we just started going out, Sam and I went to Jake's, where Nat what off with me then. But didn't see anything by it, but she just kept asking me questions which was just annoying. 

Then the four of us we're sat in the corner in Andy's lesson where she just went "I think you should of gone out with Melissa, I mean no offence Emma, but you should of gone out with her Sam, she's so lovely" Whist I was sat right fucking next to her. I was like "Fucking, cheers Nat" What a fucking CUNT! Sam just went "I'm okay thanks, I have Emma and she's much better" :') He's a babe. 

Then she started saying "Oh Sam, you're my best mate. Like my best friend that's a boy. You're just great" And she kept saying it on fucking repeat and giving me dirty looks. Which brings me onto my next point, since all she's been doing is giving me filthy looks, I smile at her and she just looks me up and down like fucking filth. I have given up with her and can't be arsed to fucking speak to her anymore, since she is a nosey fucking cunt and it has nothing to do with her at all. And trust me, there is still more stuff to talk about...

At the end of the day on Tuesday just gone, both Nat and Jake said that Alex had been calling me a slag and slapper behind my back, and said that he wouldn't be surprised if I had slept with Sam within the first week of going out with him, since all I did was fuck Lewis all the time apparently. WHAT A LOAD OF FUCKING BOLLOCKS! Cause I can tell you for a fact that I honestly never slept with him at all. 

Though then Alex denies it all, and so does Nat and Jake so I don't know who to fucking believe. And in all fucking fairness I could give an actual shit what people fucking say about me or Sam. Cause I know it's not true and he knows it's not true. I'm fucking  happy in my life right now, REALLY fucking happy and no one can take that away from me at this current point in time. Because I won't fucking let them. 

Why should I be depressed and upset for someones sick amusement? I shouldn't because I'm having a great time at the moment, and I'm so happy with Sam :'D So fuck them all and they can suck fucking fat cock in burning hell, rot and die a slow fucking death. 

That would please me greatly right now, to all fucking three of them. Since not one, have the balls to say it to our faces. CUNTS!!!!


Sunday 1 April 2012

Lately, I've Been Thinking About Someone...

Hellooooooooo! :D 
Alex is showing the right mood I'm in right now haha.

So I have quite a bit of stuff to tell you, and guess who it's about haha. God I would be sooo fucked if he read all these haha But I guess I need to catch you guys up haha 

Tuesday 27th March 2012

So on Tuesday it was the last day of college before we all split up for the Easter Holidays, and it went...well, it went wonderful actually, and been even better since! Haha. 

Since there was no Rockschool to do and we had no work to actually do, Dave let us all get into bands and shit, well if we wanted to. Which felt like it lasted for a good two hours haha. But I couldn't be assed to do anything so I just laid on the floor for a while. I was really comfy but then Jake and Sam decided to walk in, and Sam pretended to kick my head, but didn't haha. Then I was all comfy, and I could see like shadows above me but didn't think it of anything. Then suddenly Sam grabbed my wrists and Jake had my ankles and they decided to give me a leg-and-a-wing cause there cunts like that xD

Then  they we're all, "Oh Emma, come here. Come sit with us" And laughing, and I didn't trust them, but I went in the end and then sat next to Sam and chilled. The he started poking my leggings cause they were gold and he prodded me with a drumstick, which then caused me a bruise later, and I still have the fucker haha. 

Then later on, Alex and I started to walk somewhere for our break cause he wanted to talk about his relationship, by which I gave wonderful advise on haha. Then, Sam and Jake tagged along and we just ended up sitting on these rock things for a while and talked about all sorts xD 

Then at the end of the day, there was Sam, Simon, Jake and I. Then Jake went, so there was only us three left. I remember getting something out my bag but can't remember what it was lol. So I got a load of stuff out including a book called 'Drummer' that Sam decided to nick and prat about with and wouldn't give it me back. Then started saying stuff like "It's really called Bummer ain't it Emma? That's what it's called, You're a bummer right?" -.-"

So we started arguing cause I was trying to get it back and he leaned over so I had to like, really lean to get it back. Then I gave up in the end and I just decided to rest my head on his shoulder and then he rested his head on mine. It was lovely :') Then his dad came to pick him up, and he gave me a cuddle and I was like buried in his chest lol And his dad kept looking at me from the car. Then he put thumbs up as he usually does, so I stuck middle finger up at him and he just laughed then waved haha. 

Then he messaged me as soon as he got in the car on fb, saying that he wanted his book back :( Then we just ended up speaking to each other till 3am :') 

Saturday 31st March 2012

Recently through that time space of days, he gave me his phone number, which I may add. That I fucking died sooo fucking much haha. So been texting him :') 
Oh went to this Battle Of The Band thing in Rotherham, where a load of people from college we're playing so Rachel and I went a long and Billups. To support them all :D OMFG Rachel said something about Sam when he was on stage sooo fucking loud, that people who we're sat round me, turned round and grinned. Then turned round and his dad was fucking looking at me -.-2 Yeah, just gonna take it that he knows I fancy his son like fuck haha 

Yeah, so he kept poking me when he was sat next to me, and when he was sat behind me he kept putting his can of coke on my leg and asking if it was cold haha. But it all went good in the end and really enjoyed it and everyone did wonderful. Apart from someone on our course blowing up the speakers -.- Trust us lot to do something like that haha. 

But got three hugs at the end of the day so I ain't complaining and he was asking for them, so BOOOOOOOM! Haha, got a cuddle into his chest then another like deep in his neck, mmm was warm and smelt lovely haha. Then he was texting me saying that he didn't get a hug and stuff haha. 

On the same day, cause I had to go and be home for 6:00pm cause I was sleeping at Sam and Charlie's. OMFG they are sooo annoying when they find stuff out haha. Was texting Sam all night and they we're both "JUST TELL HIM!" and "TEXT UPDATE!" So they sat reading the texts so they could see where I was, then somehow Jake found out that I liked Sam. So I was playing dumb and he just went "Emma, please I know. It's clear" -.-" 

So in the end...I told Sam that I liked him. And he text back, quite sometime after saying "It wasn't that bad was it? And anyway, what's to say I don't like you? :) xxx" :D I died haha, so yeah haha. Then was talking to Jake and he sent a message back saying something like "Sam just told me he said yes to me asking if he liked you" Soooo pretty happy haha. 

Aww he sent me a text this morning saying, "Morning :) xx" Boom made my day, been speaking to him since...11:00am all the way up tp now which is 11:00pm haha. So basically all day through texts :') Happy happy happy! 

I have honestly done nothing for the past month but fucking smile, laugh and giggle. It's truly the best feeling in the world! And I'm so happy that I feel like this because it's WONDERFUL! I haven't felt like this in a while and I definitively haven't felt this happy. I LOVE IT!! Haha :')

I dunno what else I can say, apart from I'm going to the caravan with Aileen tomorrow till Thursday, got the party on Saturday and maybe Sam might be coming haha, Jake may drag him along. Also Might be seeing Sam on Friday but I have no idea yet, still planning that one haha. Ville explains how I feel right now haha, and also the one of Barney dancing :') 

So yeah, probably won't be a post for a while, till after the party probably ;) So I guess I'll let you know what happens then haha. Sooo gonna be fucking late tomorrow and fuck no's how I'm going to get to Doncaster in time for 12:00am haha, well Pm xD

Night All!!! :D xxx

Friday 30 March 2012

Your Love Alone, Is Not Enough, Not Enough, Not Enoughhhhh!

My fucking mood right now....

I have just possibly had the greatest day on earth, in all it's history at college haha. It was just...magnificent. Haha though I probably should tell you what happened throughout the week before this one lol. Cause I do mean to write that stuff in, but never do. 

So on....

Saturday 24th March 2012

A load of us decided to go on a walk since it was such a nice and wonderful day <3 It's been fucking sunny recently and it's been lovely, really enjoyed it :') But yeah, there was...
Me, Jess, Balf, Lennod, Bridie, Linzi, Cam, Matt and Conor. I think that's it, and we all met at Junction and decided to go on a walk to Rother Vally, since we usually do when it's a nice sunny day.

I will get this post wrote, I keep putting it off to talk to people! God damn it haha 

Have a pic of us all sat on a slide, trying not to fall or should I say slide down then thing (What she said) It was a fun day and I really enjoyed it. Just chilling out in the sun with mates and just having a laugh haha. OMFG Cam stole my phone whilst I was talking to Sam on fb and he sent him a message saying "Suck ma nipples, plz" GOD he's such a fucking wanker haha. Chased him round for ages until I stole it back. 

Then him and Balf decided to steal my coke and throw it into the fucking river thing. Bastards haha. But I think everyone is fine with each other now, as there was some fall out between Balf and people like Cam, Birdy and Roey. But all is sorted now...I think, and hope. 

Have another photo of us all sat on the slide, and being squashed and trying not to fall off haha :')

And now I shall tell you what happened throughout the week, or last week at college before we split up from college for 2 weeks off for Easter. Boom!

Monday 26th March 2012


But yeah, on Monday if I can remember. I was the only bloody chick on the course there out of 9 guys, since Aileen was ill, Nat just didn't show up. And Leanne, well...Don't really think she's coming back at all, for reasons. 

But yeah, I was the only one there and it was a good day, can't remember what really happened apart from that. Oh yeah, David and I walked to the park with Sam and Jake but they didn't stay cause there boring haha. Though I ran all the way to this MASSIVE slide, to find out that the step was too fucking high for me to get onto.

So after David finished his fucking laughing fit about my smallness, he gave me a leg up to the first step. But then I couldn't get on the next one, so he started laughing again and in the end he had to take me and his guitar all the way to the top, for me to then say that I didn't want to go on it, cause it was too high.

So in the end he decided to go down the top slide and I jumped down to go down the little slide haha. Then we went on these things and showed all the little kids up cause we we're awesome music students and played perfect music on them. Then he made a joke about me going down this baby slide, so I did. It wasn't too high haha. Then we went on the swings and stayed on them for like 30 min talking about my undying love for Sam haha. And how I would know that it's getting somewhere in life. 

Though I couldn't get off the swing and David had to stop it and grab me off cause my feet didn't touch the floor haha I fail at life. Then we sat on these spider web things and chilled until we caught the bus back. Was a good day haha. 

Though I'm off to bed, as I'm tired and I have people to text ;) I shall write more about the week tomorrow as I won't be able to from Monday onwards until Thursday haha. 


Friday 23 March 2012

Starships We're Meant To Fly, Hand's Up And Touch The Sky

Hey guys!...Look at that sexy motherfucker at the top of the post! It's Ville Valo. I'd fuck him any day haha....OOFT 

How is everyone this fine evening? I don't even know why I ask cause I know hardly any people read this thing haha. I mean, what's really that interesting about it? It's just about a chick, who talks about her sexual fantasies, a dude she has a bad crush on at college, and the amount of parties she goes to and gets absolutely wasted off her face?...

What's not to love about this damn thing!? Haha

So I need to tell you a few things, so this will be a really big post haha. So for starters..

Saturday 10th March 2012

This was fucking ages ago I know, but I never talked about it haha. It was when Jess had her birthday party at Linzi's and it fucking rocked, and before I split up with Lewis LOL. But it was fucking awesome and I just drank Sourz all night which is just basically stuff for shots, so I kind of got a bit drunk. But not badly drunk I don't think haha. But worse than tipsy, but not fucking smashed like at Cam's. Cause I was fucked at that party xD

But yeah, it was fucking awesome and I had a really great time. Roey and I just ended up playing Just Dance all night cause we're awesome and I can't remember if he slept over or not. But I remember sharing Linzi's mum and dad's bed with Lennod and Cameron. At least I think it was lennod, and Jess slept on the floor with someone else but I can't remember who it was either xD I have a video of Roey and I dancing, but it's probably tilted and shit haha.

So that video right there! Took the absolute PISS to upload. Had to go all through youtube to do it and nearly waited 2 fucking hours so I hope you all appreciate it haha. But it's so funny and Conor is just hilarious xD But it was a great night and really enjoyed it, there was some crying and some fighting but they got sorted out in the end. Even Conor felt better the morning after xD OMFG...

"Bitches love cheese on toast!" <--- Forgot to mention it on the last post haha

Which then brings me up to the start of this week which is...

Monday 19th March 2012

I don't even know if I can remember that far back actually haha, I remember buying lollies for everyone and no I actually don't know but I know it was a good day and I do remember that Sam was wearing Red jeans so it's all gravy...NO! They were Green jeans...I think. Oh I don't fucking no! haha But he looked sexy and that's something I DO remember haha. Oh! I do remember something, Sam stole my beanie and wouldn't give it me back and kept it between his legs >.< Bastard, I would of gone for it but it was too much effort, might do next time though haha

Tuesday 20th March 2012

On Tuesday we were at college again, and I honestly do remember that fucking day because it was fucking awesome! Haha I can't remember what lessons I had though, well, not all of the fuckers haha. I know I had Rockschool in the morning for ages! I'll just tell you all the good parts haha...

In Sonar Kept getting stared at and I stared back but also we talked more today than usual so it was all cool haha. Though Nat didn't like that Aileen and I were talking to Sam and Jake, but she can suck my fucking balls with her fucking death glares. Cunt!
Hahaha Tom and I were sat singing It Won't Suck Itself by Steel Panther, cause were just that awesome and cool haha.

Yeah, then later on in the day we were in Jame's lesson and  Aileen and I were talking to Sam and Jake and Nat didn't like it, clearly. But meh haha, was a laugh, then Alex decided to fucking send me a load of G's in comments on fb >.< then Jake sent me a load of A's in the messages and then Sam started so in the end all fucking four computers crashed >.< Bastards.

Then Sam and I were laughing at each other cause we had these lollies and our tongues were different colours, cause we have no life. Then everyone went and there was only Aileen, Sam and I left and we had to speak to James for a bit. And I could feel him staring at me at the table which just made me go all red. Oh! Forgot to say haha.

Was sat on Aileen's knee before all this and Sam kept piking me in my said cause I made this weird noise, then he put both of his hands round my waist and squeezed them till I started laughing. Oh sweet Jesus it was so fucking nice haha. Damn.

Then everyone left like I said so Aileen, Sam and I decided to just walk back to to college and wait outside for band practise to start. So there was Aileen, then Me and then Sam sat in this corner so then he crossed his arms and decided to poke me, so we started having this poking war between each other and he kept laughing saying I had a man chuckle so I told him he laughed like a girl. Which is true, but it's so cute haha.

Then Tom came upstairs and started to join in so I got my sticks and sat in a corner defending myself with them, and then they started poking me more, so I just Poked them back with sticks haha. I whacked them on the knee as well I think, causing pain and swearing from both of the boys xD Was funny lol

Sam decided to steal my stick, so I pressed my leg onto his and tried to get it back, which he was strangely surprised by my strength haha. Oh my legs are thicker than his, took me a while to figure out why, but it's cause I play the drums haha. Yeah, I got it off him in the end up kind of ended up on top of him a little bit :/ ... ;)

Been talking to him for the past 3 days on facebook for like 3 hours straight, trying to help him find some yellow skinnies haha, see my kind of guy haha. If he every saw this I would be soooo fucked xD
Yeah, he's a convo we had that he can't just take it  in a "Just friends" way, or it might just be me haha
Sam: Wuu2? :)
Emma: Just making some gingerbread men haha, wbu? :)
Sam: :O I want some gingerbread men!! :(
Emma: I'd give you some but youre not here, so you can't have any :) x
Sam: Well...I guess you shall have to deliver them to me then ;) x

I'm sorry but how is that just a normal friend convo, right there?! It's fucking not! Haha died and caved in lol
Hehe, but yeah, I got them back in the end and we all agreed that it wasn't going to work haha. Then had to go to practise and I was about to walk out the room when Sam went "Emma!" So I turned round and asked what and he just went "Can I have a hug?" I fucking died and I'm sure my face when bright fucking red haha. But I gave him a hug and it was a fucking proper one, not a one armed one but both arms round each other, and his face was buried in my neck and mine was in his haha. Was lovely :') Hehehehehe
Didn't get a hug off him or saw him at the end of the day as Nat dragged him off probably haha. So that was my week at college :'3


Night fuckers! I'll tell you more about my week tomorrow haha